Web Services Documentation is version specific, and different installations of this product may offer different functionality.


This web service handles all functions dealing with user aliases.

WSDL Definition

AddAliasCreates a new alias and adds it to the specified domain.
DeleteAliasDeletes the specified alias.
GetAliasReturns details about the specified alias.
GetAliasesReturns all aliases that belong to the specified domain.
SetCatchAllSets the specified alias to be the catch-all, or clears the catch-all if a blank alias name is provided.
UpdateAliasUpdates the addresses of the specified alias.


Creates a new alias and adds it to the specified domain. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe full name of the domain.
AliasNameStringThe name of the alias to add.
AddressesString[]A list of email addresses that this alias resolves to.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Deletes the specified alias. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe full name of the domain.
AliasNameStringThe name of the alias.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Returns details about the specified alias. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe full name of the domain.
AliasNameStringThe name of the alias.

Returns AliasInfoResult

AliasInfoAliasInfoDetails about the alias, as defined in the AliasInfo class.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
AddressesString[]A list of email addresses that the alias resolves to.
NameStringThe name of the alias.


Returns all aliases that belong to the specified domain. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe full name of the domain.

Returns AliasInfoListResult

AliasInfosAliasInfo[]A list of alias details, as defined in the AliasInfo class.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
AddressesString[]A list of email addresses that the alias resolves to.
NameStringThe name of the alias.


Sets the specified alias to be the catch-all, or clears the catch-all if a blank alias name is provided. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe full name of the domain.
AliasNameStringThe name of the alias.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Updates the addresses of the specified alias. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe full name of the domain.
AliasNameStringThe name of the alias to modify.
AddressesString[]The new list of email addresses that this alias resolves to.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.

This web service handles all functions dealing with domains.

WSDL Definition

AddDomainCreates a new domain on the server.
AddDomainExCreates a new domain using the system's default domain settings.
AddDomainForwardingBlockAdds a domain forwarding block.
DeleteDomainDeletes the specified domain, optionally removing data files.
DeleteDomainForwardBlockByTargetAddressDeletes a domain forwarding block by the target IP Address.
DeleteDomainForwardingBlockDeletes a domain forwarding block.
DisableDomainDisables a specific domain in SmarterMail.
EnableDomainRe-enables a specific domain in SmarterMail.
GenerateDKIMCertGenerates a DKIM certificate for a domain.
GetAllDomainAliasesReturns all domain aliases.
GetAllDomainAliasesWithPropertiesReturns all domain aliases with specific properties.
GetAllDomainsReturns a list of all domain names.
GetAllDomainStatisticsReturns the statistics for all domains over the specified period of time.
GetAllDomainsWithPropertiesReturns a list of domains with property set.
GetAllDomainUsersWithPropertiesReturns all domain aliases with specific properties.
GetDKIMCertRetrieves the DKIM certificate for a domain.
GetDomainCountsReturns the usage counts for the specified domain.
GetDomainDefaultsReturns the default domain settings in a DomainSettingsResult object.
GetDomainForwardingReturns the domain forwarding configuration.
GetDomainForwardingBlockReturns information about a specific domain forwarding block.
GetDomainForwardingBlockByTargetAddressReturns information about a specific domain forwarding block given a target IP.
GetDomainInfoRetrieves the name and path of a domain.
GetDomainInfo2Retrieves the name and path of a domain.
GetDomainSettingsReturns the settings for a specific domain.
GetDomainStatisticsReturns the statistics for the specified domain over a period of time.
GetDomainUsersReturns all valid usernames for the domain, including users, aliases, and mailing lists.
GetPrimaryDomainAdminRetrieves information about the primary domain administrator for the specified domain.
GetRequestedDomainDefaultsReturns the requested default domain settings.
GetRequestedDomainSettingsGets the settings for the specified domain.
ReloadDomainReloads the settings for the specified domain from disk.
RenameDomainRenames the specified domain in SmarterMail. Also updates the physical domain data path on the hard drive.
SetDomainArchiveRuleAdds a request item to be migrated to a specified mailbox.
SetDomainForwardingBlockUpdates the target address and domains in a specific domain forwarding block.
SetDomainForwardingBlockByTargetAddressUpdates the domains in a domain forwarding block forwarding to a specific target IP.
SetPrimaryDomainAdminSets the specified user to be the primary domain admin of the specified domain.
SetRequestedDomainDefaultsUpdates the default settings for domains.
SetRequestedDomainSettingsUpdates the settings for a specified domain.
UpdateDomainUpdates the settings for the specified domain.
UpdateDomainNameAndPathChanges the specified domain's name and path. Data is not copied or moved. This must be done prior to calling this method. The recommendation is to disable the domain, copy the data, call this function, then re-enable the domain. Once it is confirmed that the domain is operating correctly, delete the old path.


Creates a new domain on the server. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe name of the domain name to add, in the format 'example.com'.
PathStringThe full path of the location in which the domain data should be stored.
PrimaryDomainAdminUserNameStringThe username for the domain administrator.
PrimaryDomainAdminPasswordStringThe password for the domain administrator.
PrimaryDomainAdminFirstNameStringThe first name for the domain administrator.
PrimaryDomainAdminLastNameStringThe last name for the domain administrator.
IPStringThe IP Address on which the domain should listen.
ImapPortInt32The port number on which the domain should accept IMAP connections.
PopPortInt32The port number on which the domain should accept POP connections.
SmtpPortInt32The port number on which the domain should accept SMTP connections.
MaxAliasesInt32The maximum number of user aliases the domain is allowed to have. Pass 0 for unlimited.
MaxDomainSizeInMBInt64The maximum disk space the domain is allowed to occupy. Pass 0 for unlimited.
MaxDomainUsersInt32The maximum number of users the domain is allowed to have. Pass 0 for unlimited.
MaxMailboxSizeInMBInt32This parameter is no longer used.
MaxMessageSizeInt32The maximum size a message can be on the domain. Pass 0 for unlimited.
MaxRecipientsInt32The maximum number of recipients a message can contain on the domain. Pass 0 for unlimited.
MaxDomainAliasesInt32The maximum number of domain aliases that can be assigned to the domain. Pass 0 for unlimited.
MaxListsInt32The maximum number of mailing lists the domain is allowed to have. Pass 0 for unlimited.
ShowDomainAliasMenuBooleanTrue to allow domain administrators to modify domain aliases.
ShowContentFilteringMenuBooleanTrue to allow users to manage content filtering settings.
ShowSpamMenuBooleanTrue to allow users to manage their own spam settings.
ShowStatsMenuBooleanThis parameter is no longer used.
RequireSmtpAuthenticationBooleanTrue to require SMTP Authentication when relaying email.
ShowListMenuBooleanTrue to allow domain administrators to manage mailing lists.
ListCommandAddressStringThe username of the 'list command address.' This is usually a value such as stserv or listserv.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Creates a new domain using the system's default domain settings. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe name of the domain name to add, in the format 'example.com'.
PathStringThe full path of the location in which the domain data should be stored.
PrimaryDomainAdminUserNameStringThe username for the domain administrator.
PrimaryDomainAdminPasswordStringThe password for the domain administrator.
PrimaryDomainAdminFirstNameStringThe first name for the domain administrator.
PrimaryDomainAdminLastNameStringThe last name for the domain administrator.
IPStringThe IP Address on which the domain should listen.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Adds a domain forwarding block. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
targetAddressStringThe IP Address that will receive mail for the specified domains.
domainsString[]An array that specifies the domain names to forward.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Deletes the specified domain, optionally removing data files. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe name of the domain to delete.
DeleteFilesBooleanTrue to permanently delete all email and configuration data for the domain.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Deletes a domain forwarding block by the target IP Address. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
targetAddressStringThe IP Address of the target for the block you wish to delete.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Deletes a domain forwarding block. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
blockIDInt32The numeric ID of the forwarding block to delete.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Disables a specific domain in SmarterMail. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
domainNameStringThe domain name to modify.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Re-enables a specific domain in SmarterMail. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
domainNameStringThe domain name to modify.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Generates a DKIM certificate for a domain. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe name of the domain.
KeySizeInt32Size of the certificate key, in bits. Possible values are:
  • 512
  • 768
  • 1024
  • 1536
  • 2048
selectorStringDomainKeys selector to use.

Returns DomainKeyResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
privateKeyStringThe private key.
publicKeyStringThe public key.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
selectorStringThe DomainKeys selector.


View the full specification

OBSOLETE: This function is now obsolete. DomainKeys have been depricated by DKIM. Support of obsolete functions will be discontinued in future versions, so continued use is not recommended.


Returns all domain aliases. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns DomainAliasInfoResult

DomainAliasesDomainAliasInfo[]A list of domain alias info records, as defined in the DomainAliasInfo class.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
DomainNameStringThe domain name to which the alias points.
NameStringThe name of the alias.


Returns all domain aliases with specific properties. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
PropertyKeysString[]List of 'keys' for property return set.

Returns GenericPropertyResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Returns a list of all domain names. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns DomainListResult

DomainNamesString[]An array of domain names.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Returns the statistics for all domains over the specified period of time. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
StartDateDateTimeThe start point of the date range to return.
EndDateDateTimeThe end point of the date range to return.

Returns AllDomainStatResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
StatsDomainStatInfo[]A list of statistic records for each domain, as defined in the the DomainStatInfo class.
BytesReceivedInt64The number of bytes received.
BytesSentInt64The number of bytes sent.
BytesSizeInt64The size of the domain on disk.
DomainNameStringThe name of the domain.
MessagesReceivedInt64The number of messages received.
MessagesSentInt64The number of messages sent.


Returns a list of domains with property set. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
PropertyKeysString[]An array of 'keys' of settings to retrieve. Possible values are:
  • altsmtpport - Alternate SMTP port
  • altsmtpportenabled - Enable alternate SMTP port
  • autoresponderrestriction - Limit auto-responders tonce per day per sender
  • bypassgreylisting - Bypass greylisting
  • catchall - Name of the catch-all alias
  • domainurl - Logout URL
  • enablecatchalls - Enable catch-alls
  • enablemailsigning - Enables mailing signing (Domain Keys and DKIM)
  • enabledomainkeysigning - Enable Domain Keys signing
  • enabledkimsigning - Enable DKIM signing
  • enabledomainuserservicecontrol - Enables control of Service Access Control
  • enableemailreports - Enable email reports
  • enablepopretrieval - Enable POP retrieval
  • enableimapretrieval - Enable IMAP retrieval
  • enablesmtpaccounts - Enable SMTP accounts
  • enablexmpp - Enable XMPP communication
  • enableactivesyncaccountmanagement - Enable domain-level ActiveSync management
  • maxactivesyncaccounts - Max ActiveSync accounts. This limit is enforced only when adding new accounts. Before lowering limit through the API, check that the domain isn't over the limit already using functions in svcUserAdmin.asmx.
  • enablechathistory - Enable domain chat history
  • imapport - IMAP port
  • acceptmail - Does the domain accept mail
  • isenabled - Domain enabled
  • ldapport - LDAP port
  • listcommandaddress - Listserv command address
  • locationtype - Server location type: local, externalmx, externalhostaddress
  • locationhostaddress - External server host address (IP or FQDN)
  • locationdeliverlocally - Enable local message delivery if user exists
  • maxaliases - Maximum aliases, 0=unlimited
  • maxdomainaliases - Maximum domain aliases, 0=unlimited
  • maximapretrievalaccounts - Maximum IMAP retrieval accounts, 0=unlimited
  • maxlists - Maximum mailing lists, 0=unlimited
  • maxmessagesize - Maximum message size, 0=unlimited
  • maxbouncesreceivedperhour - Maximum bounce messages received per hour
  • maxbouncesreceivedperhourenabled - Enable max bounce messages throttling
  • maxbouncesreceivedperhouraction - Max bounce messages throttling action: none, delay, reject
  • maxmessagesperhour - Maximum outgoing messages allowed per hour
  • maxmessagesperhourenabled - Enable max outgoing messages throttling
  • maxmessagesperhouraction - Max outgoing messages throttling action: none, delay, reject
  • maxsmtpoutbandwidthperhour - Maximum SMTP out bandwidth allowed per hour (MB)
  • maxsmtpoutbandwidthperhourenabled - Enable max bandwidth throttling
  • maxsmtpoutbandwidthperhouraction - Max bandwidth throttling action: none, delay, reject
  • maxrecipients - Maximum recipients per message, 0=unlimited
  • maxsize - Maximum domain size (KB), 0=unlimited
  • maxusers - Maximum users, 0=unlimited
  • popport - POP port
  • requiresmtpauthentication - Require SMTP authentication
  • serverip - IP address
  • serveripv6 - IPv6 address
  • sharedcalendar - Enable shared calendars
  • sharedcontact - Enable shared contacts
  • sharedfolder - Enable shared folders
  • sharednotes - Enable shared notes
  • sharedtasks - Enable shared tasks
  • sharedgal - Enable Global Address List
  • showcalendar - Enable calendaring
  • showcontacts - Enable contacts
  • showcontentfilteringmenu - Enable content filters
  • showdomainaliasmenu - Enable domain aliases
  • showdomainreports - Enable domain reports
  • shownotes - Enable notes
  • showuserreports - Enable user reports
  • showtasks - Enable tasks
  • showlistmenu - Enable mailing lists
  • showspammenu - Enable spam options
  • smtpport - SMTP port
  • spamresponderoption - Auto-responder spam restriction: none, low, medium, high
  • spamforwardoption - Forward spam restriction: none, low, medium, high

Returns GenericPropertyResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Returns all domain aliases with specific properties. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe name of the target domain to retrieve information from.
PropertyKeysString[]List of 'keys' for property return set.

Returns DomainUserInfoWithPropertiesResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Retrieves the DKIM certificate for a domain. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe name of the domain.

Returns DomainKeyResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
privateKeyStringThe private key.
publicKeyStringThe public key.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
selectorStringThe DomainKeys selector.


Returns the usage counts for the specified domain. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe name of the domain for which counts should be received.

Returns DomainCountInfoResult

AliasesInt32The number of user aliases.
MailingListsInt32The number of mailing lists.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
SizeInt64The disk size of the domain.
UsersInt32The number of users.


Returns the default domain settings in a DomainSettingsResult object. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns DomainSettingsResult

ImapPortInt32The port on which the domain listens for IMAP connections.
ListCommandAddressStringThe username for mailing list commands.
MaxAliasesInt32The max number of user aliases for the domain (0=unlimited).
MaxDomainAliasesInt32The max number of domain aliases for the domain (0=unlimited).
MaxDomainSizeInMBInt64The max amount of disk space allowed to the domain (0=unlimited).
MaxDomainUsersInt32The max number of users for the domain (0=unlimited).
MaxListsInt32The max number of mailing lists for the domain (0=unlimited).
MaxMailboxSizeInMBInt32This value is no longer used.
MaxMessageSizeInt32The max size allowed per message (0=unlimited).
MaxRecipientsInt32The max number of receipients per message (0=unlimited).
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
PathStringThe physical path to the domain data files.
PopPortInt32The port on which the domain listens for POP connections.
RequireSmtpAuthenticationBooleanTrue if SMTP Authentication is required.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
ServerIPStringThe IP Address on which the domain listens.
ShowContentFilteringMenuBooleanTrue to allow domain users to set up content filters.
ShowDomainAliasMenuBooleanTrue to allow domain administrators to create domain aliases.
ShowListMenuBooleanTrue to allow domain administrators to modify mailing lists.
ShowSpamMenuBooleanTrue to allow domain users to modify spam settings.
ShowStatsMenuBooleanThis value is no longer used.
SmtpPortInt32The port on which the domain listens for SMTP connections.


Returns the domain forwarding configuration. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
includeDomainsBooleanTrue to include domains in the results. False to only include target addresses.

Returns DomainForwardInfoResult

blocksDomainForwardBlockInfo[]A list of details about the domain forward blocks, as defined in the DomainForwardBlockInfo class.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
blockIDInt32The numeric ID of the block.
domainsString[]A list of domain names that will forward to the address in targetAddress.
targetAddressStringThe IP Address of the server that will receive the forwarded email.


Returns information about a specific domain forwarding block. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
blockIDInt32The numeric ID of the forwarding block.

Returns DomainForwardBlockInfoResult

domainForwardBlockDomainForwardBlockInfoDetails about the domain forward block, as defined in the DomainForwardBlockInfo class.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
blockIDInt32The numeric ID of the block.
domainsString[]A list of domain names that will forward to the address in targetAddress.
targetAddressStringThe IP Address of the server that will receive the forwarded email.


Returns information about a specific domain forwarding block given a target IP. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
targetAddressStringThe IP Address of the target of the block.

Returns DomainForwardBlockInfoResult

domainForwardBlockDomainForwardBlockInfoDetails about the domain forward block, as defined in the DomainForwardBlockInfo class.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
blockIDInt32The numeric ID of the block.
domainsString[]A list of domain names that will forward to the address in targetAddress.
targetAddressStringThe IP Address of the server that will receive the forwarded email.


Retrieves the name and path of a domain. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
domainNameStringThe name of the domain.

Returns DomainInfoResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
PathStringThe physical path to the domain files.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Retrieves the name and path of a domain. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
domainNameStringThe name of the domain.

Returns DomainInfoResult2

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
PathStringThe physical path to the domain files.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


View the full specification

OBSOLETE: This function is now obsolete. DomainKeys have been depricated by DKIM. Support of obsolete functions will be discontinued in future versions, so continued use is not recommended.


Returns the settings for a specific domain. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
domainNameStringThe name of the domain.

Returns DomainSettingsResult

ImapPortInt32The port on which the domain listens for IMAP connections.
ListCommandAddressStringThe username for mailing list commands.
MaxAliasesInt32The max number of user aliases for the domain (0=unlimited).
MaxDomainAliasesInt32The max number of domain aliases for the domain (0=unlimited).
MaxDomainSizeInMBInt64The max amount of disk space allowed to the domain (0=unlimited).
MaxDomainUsersInt32The max number of users for the domain (0=unlimited).
MaxListsInt32The max number of mailing lists for the domain (0=unlimited).
MaxMailboxSizeInMBInt32This value is no longer used.
MaxMessageSizeInt32The max size allowed per message (0=unlimited).
MaxRecipientsInt32The max number of receipients per message (0=unlimited).
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
PathStringThe physical path to the domain data files.
PopPortInt32The port on which the domain listens for POP connections.
RequireSmtpAuthenticationBooleanTrue if SMTP Authentication is required.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
ServerIPStringThe IP Address on which the domain listens.
ShowContentFilteringMenuBooleanTrue to allow domain users to set up content filters.
ShowDomainAliasMenuBooleanTrue to allow domain administrators to create domain aliases.
ShowListMenuBooleanTrue to allow domain administrators to modify mailing lists.
ShowSpamMenuBooleanTrue to allow domain users to modify spam settings.
ShowStatsMenuBooleanThis value is no longer used.
SmtpPortInt32The port on which the domain listens for SMTP connections.


Returns the statistics for the specified domain over a period of time. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe name of the domain.
StartDateDateTimeThe start point of the date range to return.
EndDateDateTimeThe end point of the date range to return.

Returns StatInfoResult

BytesReceivedInt64The number of bytes received.
BytesSentInt64The number of bytes sent.
BytesSizeInt64The size of the item on disk.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
MessagesReceivedInt64The number of messages received.
MessagesSentInt64The number of messages sent.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Returns all valid usernames for the domain, including users, aliases, and mailing lists. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe name of the domain.

Returns DomainUserInfoResult

CatchAllBooleanTrue if the domain has a catch-all.
DomainAliasesString[]An array of domain aliases associated to the domain.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
UsersString[]An array of users for the domain.


Retrieves information about the primary domain administrator for the specified domain. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe name of the domain.

Returns PrimaryDomainAdminResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
PrimaryAdminStringThe username of the primary domain administrator.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Returns the requested default domain settings. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
requestedSettingsString[]An array of strings that identify the settings to return. Possible values are:
  • defaultaltsmtpport - Alternate SMTP Port
  • defaultaltsmtpportenabled - Enable Alternate SMTP Port
  • defaultaltsmtpportenabled - Enable Alternate SMTP Port
  • defaultautoresponderrestriction - Limit autresponders to once per day per sender
  • defaultbypassgreylisting - Bypass greylisting
  • defaultenablecatchalls - Enable Catch-alls
  • defaultdeliverpostmastertodomainadmin - Use primary domain admin as postmaster address if there is no postmaster account
  • defaultlocationtype - Domain Location
  • defaultlocationdeliverlocally - Deliver locally, if the user exists
  • defaultenablemailsigning - Enable mail signing (Domain Keys and DKIM)
  • defaultenableemailreports - Enable Email Reports
  • defaultenablefilestorage - Enable File Storage
  • defaultenableimapretrieval - Enable IMAP Retrieval
  • defaultenablepopretrieval - Enable POP Retrieval
  • defaultenablesmtpaccounts - Enable SMTP Accounts
  • defaultenablexmpp - Enable XMPP communication
  • defaultenableactivesyncaccountmanagement - Enable domain-level ActiveSync management
  • defaultmaxactivesyncaccounts - Max ActiveSync accounts. This limit is enforced only when adding new accounts. Before lowering limit through the API, check that the domain isn't over the limit already using functions in svcUserAdmin.asmx.
  • defaultimapport - IMAP Port
  • defaultldapport - LDAP Port
  • defaultmaxaliases - Maximum aliases, 0=unlimited
  • defaultmaxdomainaliases - Maximum domain aliases, 0=unlimited
  • defaultmaxdomainsize - Maximum domain size, 0=unlimited
  • defaultmaxdomainusers - Maximum users, 0=unlimited
  • defaultmaximapretrievalaccounts - Maximum IMAP retrieval accounts, 0=unlimited
  • defaultmaxlists - Maximum mailing lists, 0=unlimited
  • defaultmaxmailboxsize - Maximum mailbox size, 0=unlimited
  • defaultmaxmessagesize - Maximum message size, 0=unlimited
  • defaultmaxbouncesreceivedperhour - Maximum bounces allowed per hour
  • defaultmaxbouncesreceivedperhourenabled - Enable Max Bounces Throttling
  • defaultmaxbouncesreceivedperhouraction - Max Bounces Throttle Action: none, delay, reject
  • defaultenablechathistory - Chat history viewing enabled on domain
  • defaultmaxmessagesperhour - Maximum messages allowed per hour
  • defaultmaxmessagesperhourenabled - Enable Max Messages Throttling
  • defaultmaxmessagesperhouraction - Max Messages Throttle Action: none, delay, reject
  • defaultmaxsmtpoutbandwidthperhour - Maximum bandwidth usage allowed per hour (MB)
  • defaultmaxsmtpoutbandwidthperhourenabled - Enable Max Bandwidth Throttling
  • defaultmaxsmtpoutbandwidthperhouraction - Max Bandwidth Throttle Action: none, delay, reject
  • defaultmaxpopretrievalaccounts - Maximum POP retrieval accounts, 0=unlimited
  • defaultmaxrecipients - Maximum recipients per message, 0=unlimited
  • defaultpopport - POP Port
  • defaultsharedcalendar - Enable Shared Calendars
  • defaultsharedcontact - Enable Shared Contacts
  • defaultsharedfolder - Enable Shared Folders
  • defaultsharedgal - Enable Global Address List
  • defaultsharednotes - Enable Shared Notes
  • defaultsharedtasks - Enable Shared Tasks
  • defaultshowcalendar - Enable Calendaring
  • defaultshowcontacts - Enable Contacts
  • defaultshowcontentfilteringmenu - Enable Content Filters
  • defaultshowdomainaliasmenu - Enable Domain Aliases
  • defaultshowdomainreports - Enable Domain Reports
  • defaultshowlistmenu - Enable Mailing Lists
  • defaultshownotes - Enable Notes
  • defaultshowspammenu - Enable Spam Options
  • defaultshowtasks - Enable Tasks
  • defaultshowuserreports - Enable User Reports
  • defaultskin - Default Skin name
  • defaultsmtpauthenticationrequired - Require SMTP Auth
  • defaultsmtpport - SMTP Port
  • defaultspamresponderoption - Auto-responder spam restriction: none, low, medium, high
  • defaultspamforwardoption - Forward spam restriction: none, low, medium, high

Returns SettingsRequestResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
settingValuesString[]An array of 'key=value' pairs containing the setting values.


Gets the settings for the specified domain. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe name of the domain.
requestedSettingsString[]An array of strings that identify the settings to return. Possible values are:
  • altsmtpport - Alternate SMTP port
  • altsmtpportenabled - Enable alternate SMTP port
  • autoresponderrestriction - Limit auto-responders tonce per day per sender
  • bypassgreylisting - Bypass greylisting
  • catchall - Name of the catch-all alias
  • deliverpostmastertodomainadmin - User primary domain admin as postmaster if there is no postmaster account
  • domainurl - Logout URL
  • enablecatchalls - Enable catch-alls
  • enablemailsigning - Enables mailing signing (Domain Keys and DKIM)
  • enabledomainkeysigning - Enable Domain Keys signing
  • enabledkimsigning - Enable DKIM signing
  • enabledomainuserservicecontrol - Enables control of Service Access Control
  • enableemailreports - Enable email reports
  • enablepopretrieval - Enable POP retrieval
  • enableimapretrieval - Enable IMAP retrieval
  • enablesmtpaccounts - Enable SMTP accounts
  • enablexmpp - Enable XMPP communication
  • enableactivesyncaccountmanagement - Enable domain-level ActiveSync management
  • maxactivesyncaccounts - Max ActiveSync accounts. This limit is enforced only when adding new accounts. Before lowering limit through the API, check that the domain isn't over the limit already using functions in svcUserAdmin.asmx.
  • enablechathistory - Enable domain chat history
  • imapport - IMAP port
  • acceptmail - Does the domain accept mail
  • isenabled - Domain enabled
  • ldapport - LDAP port
  • listcommandaddress - Listserv command address
  • locationtype - Server location type: local, externalmx, externalhostaddress
  • locationhostaddress - External server host address (IP or FQDN)
  • locationdeliverlocally - Enable local message delivery if user exists
  • maxaliases - Maximum aliases, 0=unlimited
  • maxdomainaliases - Maximum domain aliases, 0=unlimited
  • maximapretrievalaccounts - Maximum IMAP retrieval accounts, 0=unlimited
  • maxlists - Maximum mailing lists, 0=unlimited
  • maxmessagesize - Maximum message size, 0=unlimited
  • maxbouncesreceivedperhour - Maximum bounce messages received per hour
  • maxbouncesreceivedperhourenabled - Enable max bounce messages throttling
  • maxbouncesreceivedperhouraction - Max bounce messages throttling action: none, delay, reject
  • maxmessagesperhour - Maximum outgoing messages allowed per hour
  • maxmessagesperhourenabled - Enable max outgoing messages throttling
  • maxmessagesperhouraction - Max outgoing messages throttling action: none, delay, reject
  • maxsmtpoutbandwidthperhour - Maximum SMTP out bandwidth allowed per hour (MB)
  • maxsmtpoutbandwidthperhourenabled - Enable max bandwidth throttling
  • maxsmtpoutbandwidthperhouraction - Max bandwidth throttling action: none, delay, reject
  • maxrecipients - Maximum recipients per message, 0=unlimited
  • maxsize - Maximum domain size (KB), 0=unlimited
  • maxusers - Maximum users, 0=unlimited
  • popport - POP port
  • requiresmtpauthentication - Require SMTP authentication
  • serverip - IP address
  • serveripv6 - IPv6 address
  • sharedcalendar - Enable shared calendars
  • sharedcontact - Enable shared contacts
  • sharedfolder - Enable shared folders
  • sharednotes - Enable shared notes
  • sharedtasks - Enable shared tasks
  • sharedgal - Enable Global Address List
  • showcalendar - Enable calendaring
  • showcontacts - Enable contacts
  • showcontentfilteringmenu - Enable content filters
  • showdomainaliasmenu - Enable domain aliases
  • showdomainreports - Enable domain reports
  • shownotes - Enable notes
  • showuserreports - Enable user reports
  • showtasks - Enable tasks
  • showlistmenu - Enable mailing lists
  • showspammenu - Enable spam options
  • smtpport - SMTP port
  • spamresponderoption - Auto-responder spam restriction: none, low, medium, high
  • spamforwardoption - Forward spam restriction: none, low, medium, high

Returns SettingsRequestResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
settingValuesString[]An array of 'key=value' pairs containing the setting values.


Reloads the settings for the specified domain from disk. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe name of the domain to reload.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Renames the specified domain in SmarterMail. Also updates the physical domain data path on the hard drive. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
OldDomainNameStringThe name of the domain to modify.
NewDomainNameStringThe new name for the domain.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Adds a request item to be migrated to a specified mailbox. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
parametersString[]A list of 'key=value' pairs defining the import parameters. Possible values are:
  • DOMAIN - Name of target domain
  • PATH - Destination path of archive.

Returns SettingsRequestResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
settingValuesString[]An array of 'key=value' pairs containing the setting values.


Updates the target address and domains in a specific domain forwarding block. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
blockIDInt32The numeric ID of the forwarding block.
targetAddressStringThe new IP Address of the target of the block.
domainsString[]The new array of domain names that forward to the address in targetAddress.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Updates the domains in a domain forwarding block forwarding to a specific target IP. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
targetAddressStringThe IP Address of the target of the block.
domainsString[]The new array of domain names that forward to the address in targetAddress.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Sets the specified user to be the primary domain admin of the specified domain. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe name of the domain.
AdminUserNameStringThe name of the user that will be the new primary domain administrator. This user must already exist.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Updates the default settings for domains. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
newSettingsString[]An array of 'key=value' pairs of settings to change. Key can be any of the items defined in the GetRequestedDomainDefaults function.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Updates the settings for a specified domain. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe name of the domain to modify.
newSettingsString[]An array of 'key=value' pairs of settings to change. Key can be any of the items defined in the GetRequestedDomainSettings function.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Updates the settings for the specified domain. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe name of the domain to modify.
ServerIPStringThe IP Address on which the domain should listen.
ImapPortInt32The port that this domain will use for incoming IMAP connections.
PopPortInt32The port that this domain will use for incoming POP connections.
SmtpPortInt32The port that this domain will use for incoming SMTP connections.
MaxAliasesInt32The maximum number of user aliases the domain is allowed to have. Pass 0 for unlimited.
MaxDomainSizeInMBInt64The maximum disk space the domain is allowed to occupy. Pass 0 for unlimited.
MaxDomainUsersInt32The maximum number of users the domain is allowed to have. Pass 0 for unlimited.
MaxMailboxSizeInMBInt32This parameter is no longer used.
MaxMessageSizeInt32The maximum size a message can be on the domain. Pass 0 for unlimited.
MaxRecipientsInt32The maximum number of recipients a message can contain on the domain. Pass 0 for unlimited.
MaxDomainAliasesInt32The maximum number of domain aliases that can be assigned to the domain. Pass 0 for unlimited.
MaxListsInt32The maximum number of mailing lists the domain is allowed to have. Pass 0 for unlimited.
ShowDomainAliasMenuBooleanTrue to allow domain administrators to modify domain aliases.
ShowContentFilteringMenuBooleanTrue to allow users to manage content filtering settings.
ShowSpamMenuBooleanTrue to allow users to manage their own spam settings.
ShowStatsMenuBooleanThis parameter is no longer used.
RequireSmtpAuthenticationBooleanTrue to require SMTP Authentication when relaying email.
ShowListMenuBooleanTrue to allow domain administrators to manage mailing lists.
ListCommandAddressStringThe username of the 'list command address.' This is usually a value such as stserv or listserv.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Changes the specified domain's name and path. Data is not copied or moved. This must be done prior to calling this method. The recommendation is to disable the domain, copy the data, call this function, then re-enable the domain. Once it is confirmed that the domain is operating correctly, delete the old path. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
OldDomainNameStringThe name of the domain to modify.
NewDomainNameStringThe new name for the domain.
NewDomainPathStringThe new path to the domain data.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.

This web service handles all functions dealing with domain aliases.

WSDL Definition

AddDomainAliasCreates a new domain alias and adds it to the specified domain.
AddDomainAliasWithoutMxCheckCreates a new domain alias and adds it to the specified domain. This function bypasses the MX check that ensures that the proper DNS entries have been setup. This function can not be called by domain administrators to avoid a domain such as gmail.com being added as an alias.
DeleteDomainAliasDeletes the specified domain alias from SmarterMail.
GetAliasesReturns all domain aliases that point to the specified domain.


Creates a new domain alias and adds it to the specified domain. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe name of the domain.
DomainAliasNameStringThe name of the domain alias to create.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Creates a new domain alias and adds it to the specified domain. This function bypasses the MX check that ensures that the proper DNS entries have been setup. This function can not be called by domain administrators to avoid a domain such as gmail.com being added as an alias. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe name of the domain.
DomainAliasNameStringThe name of the domain alias to create.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Deletes the specified domain alias from SmarterMail. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe name of the domain.
DomainAliasNameStringThe name of the domain alias to remove.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Returns all domain aliases that point to the specified domain. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe name of the domain.

Returns DomainAliasInfoListResult

DomainAliasNamesString[]A list of domain names.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.

This web service allows for changing settings across all domains.

WSDL Definition

GetGlobalUpdateStatusGets the current status of the update, indicating how many domains have been updated so far.
ListGlobalUpdateFieldsLists all the fields that can be updated using UpdateAllDomainSettings.
UpdateAllDomainSettingsSets the supplied fields and values for all domains on the server.


Gets the current status of the update, indicating how many domains have been updated so far. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns GlobalUpdateStatusResult

finishedCountInt32The number of domain updates that have been completed.
isRunningBooleanTrue if a global update operation is in progress.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
totalUpdateCountInt32The number of domains that are being updated.


Lists all the fields that can be updated using UpdateAllDomainSettings. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns GlobalUpdateFieldListResult

fieldsGlobalUpdateFieldInfoResult[]A list of fields that can be updated with the web service, as defined in the GlobalUpdateFieldInfo class.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
defaultValueStringThe default value for the field.
descriptionStringA description of what the field controls.
nameStringThe name of the field.
typeStringThe data type for the field.


Sets the supplied fields and values for all domains on the server. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
fieldsDomainSettingFieldStruct[]A list of structures defining the settings and values to change on the domains, as defined in the DomainSettingFieldStruct class. A list of valid setting keys can be obtained by calling the ListGlobalUpdateFields function.
nameStringThe name of the field.
valStringThe value of the field.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.

This web service handles all functions dealing with mailing lists.

WSDL Definition

AddDefaultSubscriberFieldAdds a default subscriber field to the specified domain.
AddDigestSubscriberAdds a digest subscriber to the specified list.
AddListAdds a mailing list to the specified domain.
AddSubscriberAdds a subscriber to the specified list.
AddSubscriber2Adds subscribers for the given list.
DeleteAllListsDeletes all mailing lists that belong to the specified domain.
DeleteDefaultSubscriberFieldDeletes a subscriber field from the specified domain.
DeleteListDeletes a specific mailing list that belongs to a domain.
GetDefaultSubscriberFieldsGets the default subscriber fields for the specified domain.
GetDigestSubscriberListReturns the digest subscribers for the given list.
GetListCommandAddressGets the command list address for the specified domain.
GetMailingListsByDomainReturns all mailing lists for the specified domain.
GetPosterKillListReturns the kill list (blocked posters) the given list.
GetPosterWhiteListReturns the poster whitelist for the given list.
GetRequestedListSettingsGets specific settings for the specified list.
GetSubscriberFieldsGets the subscriber fields for the specified user.
GetSubscriberListReturns the subscribers for the given list.
RemoveDigestSubscriberRemoves a digest subscriber to the specified list.
RemoveSubscriberRemoves a subscriber to the specified list.
SetDigestSubscriberListSets the digest subscribers for the given list. * NOTE: This method has been deprecated. Please use SetDigestSubscriberList2 instead.
SetDigestSubscriberList2Sets the digest subscribers for the given list.
SetListCommandAddressSets the command list address for the specified domain.
SetPosterKillListSets the kill list (blocked posters) for the given list.
SetPosterWhiteListSets the poster whitelist for the given list.
SetRequestedListSettingsSets specific settings for the specified list.
SetSubscriberListSets the subscribers for the given list. *NOTE: This method has been deprecated. Please use SetSubscriberList2 instead.
SetSubscriberList2Sets the subscribers for the given list.
UpdateDefaultSubscriberFieldUpdates a default subscriber field for the specified domain.
UpdateSubscriberFieldUpdates the subscriber field for the specified subscriber.


Adds a default subscriber field to the specified domain. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe domain that contains the list.
SubscriberFieldNameStringThe name of the new subscriber field.
SubscriberFieldValueStringThe value of the new subscriber field.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Adds a digest subscriber to the specified list. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe domain that contains the list.
ListNameStringThe name of the mailing list.
SubscriberStringThe email address of the digest subscriber to add.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Adds a mailing list to the specified domain. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe domain that contains the list.
ListNameStringThe name of the mailing list.
ModeratorStringThe domain user that is the moderator of the list.
DescriptionStringA textual description for the list.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Adds a subscriber to the specified list. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe domain that contains the list.
ListNameStringThe name of the mailing list.
SubscriberStringThe email address of the subscriber to add.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Adds subscribers for the given list. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Deletes all mailing lists that belong to the specified domain. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe name of the domain to modify.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Deletes a subscriber field from the specified domain. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe domain that contains the list.
SubscriberFieldNameStringThe name of the new subscriber field.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Deletes a specific mailing list that belongs to a domain. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe domain that contains the list.
ListNameStringThe name of the mailing list to delete.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Gets the default subscriber fields for the specified domain. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe domain that contains the list.

Returns SubscriberFieldListResult

CountInt32The count of subscriber fields.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
SubscriberFieldsSubscriberFieldType[]A list of SubscriberFieldType values.
NameStringSubscriber field name
ValueStringSubscriber field value


Returns the digest subscribers for the given list. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe domain that contains the list.
ListNameStringThe name of the mailing list.

Returns SubscriberListResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
SubscribersString[]A list of email addresses.


Gets the command list address for the specified domain. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe name of the domain.

Returns ListCommandResult

commandAddressStringThe name of the list command address.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Returns all mailing lists for the specified domain. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe name of the domain.

Returns MailingListResult

listNamesString[]A list of mailing list names.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Returns the kill list (blocked posters) the given list. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe domain that contains the list.
ListNameStringThe name of the mailing list.

Returns SubscriberListResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
SubscribersString[]A list of email addresses.


Returns the poster whitelist for the given list. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe domain that contains the list.
ListNameStringThe name of the mailing list.

Returns SubscriberListResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
SubscribersString[]A list of email addresses.


Gets specific settings for the specified list. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe domain that contains the list.
ListNameStringThe name of the mailing list.
requestedSettingsString[]A list of settings to retrieve for the list. Possible values are:
  • description
  • disabled
  • moderator
  • password
  • whocanpost (anyone, subscribersonly, moderatoronly)
  • subject (text tadd tsubject)
  • prependsubject (true/false)
  • maxmessagesize (in KB)
  • [DEPRECATED] replytolist (true/false) - Use listreplytoaddress setting instead
  • digestmode (true/false)
  • sendsubscribe (true/false)
  • sendunsubscribe (true/false)
  • allowunsubscribe (true/false)
  • disablelistcommand (true/false)
  • disablesubscribecommand (true/false)
  • enableheader (true/false)
  • enablefooter (true/false)
  • enableposterwhitelist (true/false)
  • enabledoubleoptin (true/false)
  • disablelisterrorreplies (true/false)
  • listtoaddress
  • listfromaddress
  • listreplytoaddress

Returns SettingsRequestResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
settingValuesString[]A list of 'key=value' pairs that contain the values of settings. For a list of possible key names, refer to the GetRequestedListSettings function description.


Gets the subscriber fields for the specified user. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe domain that contains the list.
SubscriberEmailStringThe subscriber's email address.

Returns SubscriberFieldListResult

CountInt32The count of subscriber fields.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
SubscriberFieldsSubscriberFieldType[]A list of SubscriberFieldType values.
NameStringSubscriber field name
ValueStringSubscriber field value


Returns the subscribers for the given list. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe domain that contains the list.
ListNameStringThe name of the mailing list.

Returns SubscriberListResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
SubscribersString[]A list of email addresses.


Removes a digest subscriber to the specified list. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe domain that contains the list.
ListNameStringThe name of the mailing list.
SubscriberStringThe email address of the digest subscriber to remove.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Removes a subscriber to the specified list. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe domain that contains the list.
ListNameStringThe name of the mailing list.
SubscriberStringThe email address of the subscriber to remove.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Sets the digest subscribers for the given list. * NOTE: This method has been deprecated. Please use SetDigestSubscriberList2 instead. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe domain that contains the list.
ListNameStringThe name of the mailing list.
SubscribersString[]A list of email addresses that will become the new digest subscriber list for the mailing list.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Sets the digest subscribers for the given list. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe domain that contains the list.
ListNameStringThe name of the mailing list.
SubscribersString[]A list of email addresses that will become the new digest subscriber list for the mailing list.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Sets the command list address for the specified domain. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe name of the domain to modify.
commandAddressStringThe username for the command list address. This is typically stserv or listserv.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Sets the kill list (blocked posters) for the given list. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe domain that contains the list.
ListNameStringThe name of the mailing list.
SubscribersString[]A list of email addresses that will become the new kill list for the mailing list.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Sets the poster whitelist for the given list. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe domain that contains the list.
ListNameStringThe name of the mailing list.
SubscribersString[]A list of email addresses that will become the new poster whitelist for the mailing list.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Sets specific settings for the specified list. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe domain that contains the list.
ListNameStringThe name of the mailing list.
newSettingsString[]A list of 'key=value' pairs that define which settings to modify. Possible key names can be found in the GetRequestedListSettings function description.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Sets the subscribers for the given list. *NOTE: This method has been deprecated. Please use SetSubscriberList2 instead. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe domain that contains the list.
ListNameStringThe name of the mailing list.
SubscribersString[]A list of email addresses that will become the new subscriber list for the mailing list.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Sets the subscribers for the given list. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe domain that contains the list.
ListNameStringThe name of the mailing list.
SubscribersString[]A list of email addresses that will become the new subscriber list for the mailing list.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Updates a default subscriber field for the specified domain. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe domain that contains the list.
SubscriberFieldNameStringThe name of the new subscriber field.
SubscriberFieldValueStringThe value of the new subscriber field.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Updates the subscriber field for the specified subscriber. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringThe domain that contains the list.
SubscriberEmailStringThe subscriber's email address.
SubscriberFieldNameStringThe name of the new subscriber field.
SubscriberFieldValueStringThe value of the new subscriber field.
SubscriberTypeStringThe mailing list subscriber type. Possible values: all, subscriber, or digest.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.

This web service handles all functions dealing with product information and license activation. Typically, these functions would be used for automated deployment.

WSDL Definition

ActivateLicenseKeyActivates the product with the license key set using SetLicenseKey previously.
GetLicenseInfoReturns the license key for the installation.
GetProductInfoReturns the product name and version for the installation.
SetLicenseKeySets the product license key for the installation. Note that you will need to call ActivateLicenseKey afterwards to enable the licence.


Activates the product with the license key set using SetLicenseKey previously. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
AccountEmailAddressStringThe email address associated with the license key.
AccountPasswordStringThe password that should be used to activate the license.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Returns the license key for the installation. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns LicenseInfoResult

LicenseKeyStringThe license key for this installation.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Returns the product name and version for the installation. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns ProductInfoResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ProductNameStringThe name of the product.
ProductVersionStringThe version number of the product.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Sets the product license key for the installation. Note that you will need to call ActivateLicenseKey afterwards to enable the licence. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
KeyStringThe license key to set.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.

This web service modifies global settings and control for the server.

WSDL Definition

AddAbuseDetectionRuleAdds an abuse detection rule.
AddFolderAutocleanRuleAdds a server level auto-clean rule to the server.
AddForwardingBlacklistEntryAdds a forwarding blacklist entry to the server.
AddGatewayAdds a non-SmarterMail outgoing gateway to SmarterMail. If your gateway is running SmarterMail, use AddSmarterMailGateway instead.
AddGlobalTrustedSenderAdds a new globally trusted sender.
AddGreylistingFilterAdds a new greylisting filter.
AddHostnameAdds a hostname to the server.
AddIncomingGatewayAdds a new incoming gateway configuration.
AddIPRestrictionToSystemAdminAdds an IP address or IP range restriction to a system administrator login.
AddReservedDomainNamesAdds reserved domain names to the current list of reserved domain names.
AddServerPortAdds a port to the server.
AddSmarterMailGatewayAdds a SmarterMail outgoing gateway to SmarterMail. If your gateway is NOT running SmarterMail, use AddGateway instead.
AddSmtpAuthenticationBypassAdds a new SMTP authentication bypass rule. Pass either an IP Address or a range, not both.
AddSMTPBlockedSenderAdds a new SMTP blocked sender.
AddSpamAssassinServerAdds a remote SpamAssassin server configuration.
AddSystemAdminAdds a new system administrator.
AssignPortToIPAssigns a port to an IP address.
DeleteAbuseDetectionRuleDeletes an abuse detection rule.
DeleteFolderAutoCleanRuleRemoves a server level auto-clean rule from the server.
DeleteForwardingBlacklistEntryRemove a forwarding blacklist entry from the server.
DeleteGlobalTrustedSenderDeletes a globally trusted sender.
DeleteGreylistingFilterRemoves a greylisting filter.
DeleteHostnameRemoves a hostname from the server.
DeleteServerPortDeletes a port from the server.
DeleteSmtpAuthenticationBypassDeletes an SMTP authentication bypass rule. Pass either an IP Address or a range, not both.
DeleteSpamAssassinServerDeletes a remote SpamAssassin server configuration.
DeleteSystemAdminRemoves a system administrator.
GetAbuseDetectionRulesReturn the current abuse detection rules on the server.
GetBlacklistEntriesReturns the currently configured blacklist entries.
GetEditionReturns the operational licensing mode that SmarterMail is running under.
GetGatewayReturns information about a particular outgoing gateway.
GetGlobalTrustedSendersReturns a list of all current globally trusted senders.
GetIncomingGatewayRetrieves information about a specific incoming gateway.
GetRequestedSystemSettingsRetrieves the value of the requested system settings.
GetReservedDomainNamesReturns a list of reserved domain names.
GetSmtpAuthenticationBypassesReturns a list of the currently configured SMTP authentication bypass rules.
GetSMTPBlockedSendersReturns a list of currently blocked SMTP senders.
GetSpoolMessageCountReturns the number of messages in the spool.
GetWhitelistEntries2Returns the currently configured whitelist entries.
ListFolderAutoCleanRulesReturns a list of all server level auto-clean rules defined in SmarterMail.
ListForwardingBlacklistEntriesReturns all current forwarding blacklist entries.
ListGatewaysReturns a list of all outgoing gateways for the server.
ListGreylistingFiltersReturns a list of all currently configured greylisting filters.
ListHostnamesReturns a list of all hostnames configured on the server.
ListIncomingGatewaysReturns a list of all configured incoming gateways.
ListPortsAssignedToIPReturns a list of ports currently bound to a specific IP Address.
ListServerPortsLists all ports currently setup on the server.
ListSpamAssassinServersReturns a list of all currently configured remote SpamAssassin servers.
ListSystemAdminsReturns the current system administrators on the server.
RemoveGatewayDeletes an outgoing gateway from SmarterMail.
RemoveIncomingGatewayDeletes an incoming gateway configuration.
RemoveIPRestrictionFromSystemAdminRemoves an IP address or IP range restriction from a system administrator login.
RemovePortFromIPRemoves a port assigned to an IP address.
RemoveReservedDomainNamesRemoves reserved domain names from the current list of reserved domain names.
RequestStatusReturns information about the current status of the server.
SetBlacklistEntryAdds a new blacklist entry or edits an existing blacklist entry. Pass either an IP address or a range, not both. To remove an entry set all protocols to false.
SetRequestedSystemSettingsSets the value of the requested system settings.
SetReservedDomainNamesSets the list of reserved domain names.
SetSystemAdminPasswordSets the password of a system administrator.
SetWhitelistEntry2Adds a new whitelist entry or edits an existing whitelist entry. Pass either an IP address or a range, not both. To remove an entry set all protocols to false.
StartServicesStarts the specified services in SmarterMail.
StopServicesStops the specified services in SmarterMail.
UpdateAbuseDetectionRuleUpdates an abuse detection rule.
UpdateGatewayUpdates the settings for a specific outgoing gateway.
UpdateIncomingGatewayUpdates properties about a specific incoming gateway.


Adds an abuse detection rule. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
abuseDetectionTypeStringThe abuse detection rule type. Possible values are:
  • DOS
serviceStringThe service to which the rule applies (used by DOS and brute force only). Possible values are:
  • IMAP
  • LDAP
  • POP
  • SMTP
  • XMPP
actionStringThe action to take when rule is triggered (used by internal spammer and bounces only). Possible values are:
timeFrameInt32The timeframe in minutes in which the rule can be triggered.
occurencesBeforeTriggerInt32The number of occurrences before the rule is triggered.
timeToBlockInt32The period in minutes for which the server will block the offender.
emailAddressToNotifyStringThe email address to notify when the rule is triggered (used by internal spammer and bounces only).
descriptionStringA brief description of the rule for display purposes.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Adds a denial of service (DOS) abuse detection rule to the server. View the full specification

OBSOLETE: AddAbuseDetectionRule should be used instead. Support of obsolete functions will be discontinued in future versions, so continued use is not recommended.


Adds a server level auto-clean rule to the server. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
folderStringFolder name to auto-clean.
enableRuleBooleanTrue to enable the rule immediately.
typeStringType of rule. Possible values are:
  • Date
  • Size
sizeBeforeAutoCleanInt32If type is Size, the size which a folder must reach before being auto-cleaned.
sizeAfterCleanInt32If type is Size, the size which a folder will be trimmed to after it's cleaned.
mailAgeInDaysInt32If type is Date, the age in days at which email gets deleted.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Adds a forwarding blacklist entry to the server. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
domainNameStringDomain name to blacklist.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Adds a non-SmarterMail outgoing gateway to SmarterMail. If your gateway is running SmarterMail, use AddSmarterMailGateway instead. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
addressStringThe IP Address of the gateway.
enabledBooleanTrue if the gateway should be enabled immediately.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Adds a new globally trusted sender. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
addressOrDomainStringEmail address or domain name to trust.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Adds a new greylisting filter. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
filterTypeStringThe type of filter to add. Possible values are:
  • Country
  • IPAddress
  • IPRange
ipRangeStartStringStart of the IP range. Required only when filterType is IPRange.
ipRangeEndStringEnd of the IP range. Required only when filterType is IPRange.
ipAddressStringIP address to be filtered. Required only when filterType is IPAddress.
descriptionStringA brief description for display purposes.
countryCodeStringCountry code to be filtered. Required only when filterType is Country.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Adds a harvesting abuse detection rule to the server. View the full specification

OBSOLETE: AddAbuseDetectionRule should be used instead. Support of obsolete functions will be discontinued in future versions, so continued use is not recommended.


Adds a hostname to the server. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
hostnameStringHostname to add.
ipAddressStringIP Address to which the hostname applies.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Adds a new incoming gateway configuration. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
newIncomingGatewayIncomingGatewayAttributesAttributes for the gateway.
authSmarterMailPasswordStringPassword of the administrator (if smarterMailMode is true).
authSmarterMailUserNameStringUsername of the administrator (if smarterMailMode is true).
domainsToForwardString[]A list of domain names that should be forwarded.
domainVerifyTypeStringType of domain verification. Possible values are:
  • AllButSpecifiedDomains
  • SpecifiedDomains
  • WebService
enableSpamActionsBooleanTrue to enable spam check actions.
gatewayModeStringThe mode that the gateway is operating. Possible values are:
  • BackupMX
  • DomainForward
guidStringThe unique identifier of the incoming gateway.
IPAddressStringIP Address of the gateway.
IPEndRangeStringEnd of the IP Address range of the gateway.
IPStartRangeStringStart of the IP Address range of the gateway.
notSpamActionStringAction to take on Not Spam. Possible values are:
  • Delete
  • Header
  • None
  • PassScore
  • Reroute
  • Subject
notSpamArgsStringArguments to use for the action.
smarterMailModeBooleanTrue if the gateway is a SmarterMail server.
smarterMailURLStringURL to the SmarterMail web interface (if smarterMailMode is true).
spamHighActionStringAction to take on Spam-High. Possible values are:
  • Delete
  • Header
  • None
  • PassScore
  • Reroute
  • Subject
spamHighArgsStringArguments to use for the action.
spamLowActionStringAction to take on Spam-Low. Possible values are:
  • Delete
  • Header
  • None
  • PassScore
  • Reroute
  • Subject
spamLowArgsStringArguments to use for the action.
spamMedActionStringAction to take on Spam-Med. Possible values are:
  • Delete
  • Header
  • None
  • PassScore
  • Reroute
  • Subject
spamMedArgsStringArguments to use for the action.
userVerifyTypeStringThe type of user verification done by the gateway. Possible values are:
  • None
  • SMTP
  • WebService
webserviceURLStringThe URL of the web service.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Adds an internal spammer notification abuse detection rule. View the full specification

OBSOLETE: AddAbuseDetectionRule should be used instead. Support of obsolete functions will be discontinued in future versions, so continued use is not recommended.


Adds an IP address or IP range restriction to a system administrator login. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
adminUsernameStringUsername of the system administrator.
ipAddressOrRangeStringThe IP address or IP range (format: x.x.x.x-y.y.y.y).
restrictionDescriptionStringA brief description for display purposes.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Adds reserved domain names to the current list of reserved domain names. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Adds a port to the server. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
protocolStringThe protocol assigned to the port. Possible values are:
  • IMAP
  • LDAP
  • POP
  • SMTP
  • SubmissionPort
certificatePathStringIf the port uses SSL or TLS, the path to the certificate on the server.
encryptionStringOptional The encryption method to use. Possible values are:
  • SSL
  • TLS
nameStringA descriptive name for the port.
portInt32The port number.
descriptionStringA brief description of the port for display purposes.

Returns AddServerPortResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
NewIDStringUnique identifier of the newly added item.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Adds a SmarterMail outgoing gateway to SmarterMail. If your gateway is NOT running SmarterMail, use AddGateway instead. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
addressStringThe IP Address of the gateway.
enabledBooleanTrue if the gateway should be enabled immediately.
smUrlStringUrl to the SmarterMail Web interface. For example, http://mail.example.com/.
smUserNameStringAdministrator username for the gateway.
smPasswordStringAdministrator password for the gateway.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Adds a new SMTP authentication bypass rule. Pass either an IP Address or a range, not both. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
ipAddressStringIP address.
ipRangeStartStringStart of the IP range.
ipRangeEndStringEnd of the IP range.
descriptionStringA brief description for display purposes.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Adds a new SMTP blocked sender. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
blockedSenderStringEmail address of the blocked sender.
descriptionStringA brief description for display purposes.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Adds a remote SpamAssassin server configuration. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
serverNameStringA descriptive name for the server.
ipAddressStringThe IP address of the server.
serverPortInt32The port number on which the SpamAssassin service is listening.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Adds a new system administrator. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
newAdminUsernameStringUsername of the system administrator.
newAdminPasswordStringPassword to use.
newAdminDescriptionStringA brief description for display purposes.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Assigns a port to an IP address. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
portIDStringThe unique identifier of the port.
ipAddressStringIP Address to which the port will be assigned.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Deletes an abuse detection rule. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
idStringThe unique identifier of the abuse detection rule.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Removes a server level auto-clean rule from the server. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
idStringUnique identifier of the auto-clean rule.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Remove a forwarding blacklist entry from the server. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
domainNameStringDomain name to remove from blacklist.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Deletes a globally trusted sender. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
addressOrDomainStringEmail address or domain name to remove.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Removes a greylisting filter. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
filterTypeStringThe filter type of the greylisting filter to remove.
ipRangeStartStringOptional Start of the IP range used by the filter.
ipRangeEndStringOptional End of the IP range used by the filter.
ipAddressStringOptional IP address of the filter.
countryCodeStringOptional Country code of the filter.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Removes a hostname from the server. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
ipAddressStringIP Address to remove hostname for.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Deletes a port from the server. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
portIdStringThe identifier of the port to delete. This can be obtained from the ListServerPorts function.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Deletes an SMTP authentication bypass rule. Pass either an IP Address or a range, not both. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
ipAddressStringIP address.
ipRangeStartStringStart of the IP range.
ipRangeEndStringEnd of the IP range.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Deletes a remote SpamAssassin server configuration. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
serverNameStringThe name of the server you wish to delete.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Removes a system administrator. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
systemAdminUsernameStringUsername of the system administrator to delete.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Return the current abuse detection rules on the server. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
filterStringAbuse detection rule type filter. Possible values are:
  • ALL
  • DOS

Returns AbuseDetectionRulesListResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
RulesAbuseDetectionRuleResult[]A list of rules details, as defined in the AbuseDetectionRuleResult class (not all fields are used).
ActionStringThe action to take when rule is triggered (used by internal spammer and bounces only). Possible values are:
DescriptionStringA brief description of the rule for display purposes.
EmailAddressToNotifyStringThe email address to notify when the rule is triggered (used by internal spammer and bounces only).
OccurencesBeforeTriggerInt32The number of occurrences before the rule is triggered.
ServiceStringThe service to which the rule applies (used by DOS and brute force only). Possible values are:
  • IMAP
  • LDAP
  • POP
  • SMTP
  • XMPP
TimeFrameInt32The timeframe in minutes in which the rule can be triggered.
TimeToBlockInt32The period in minutes for which the server will block the offender.
UniqueIDStringUnique id.


Returns the currently configured blacklist entries. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns BlacklistListResult

EntriesBlacklistResult[]A list of blacklist entries, as defined in the BlacklistResult class.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
DescriptionStringA brief description for display purposes.
IMAPBlacklistedBooleanTrue if IMAP blacklisted.
IPAddressStringIP Address that is blacklisted.
IPRangeEndStringEnd of an IP Address range that is blacklisted.
IPRangeStartStringStart of an IP Address range that is blacklisted.
POPBlacklistedBooleanTrue if POP blacklisted.
SMTPBlacklistedBooleanTrue if SMTP blacklisted.
XMPPBlacklistedBooleanTrue if XMPP blacklisted.


Returns the current bounce detection rules on the server. View the full specification

OBSOLETE: GetAbuseDetectionRules should be used instead. Support of obsolete functions will be discontinued in future versions, so continued use is not recommended.


Returns the current brute force rules on the server. View the full specification

OBSOLETE: GetAbuseDetectionRules should be used instead. Support of obsolete functions will be discontinued in future versions, so continued use is not recommended.


Returns the current DOS detection rules on the server. View the full specification

OBSOLETE: GetAbuseDetectionRules should be used instead. Support of obsolete functions will be discontinued in future versions, so continued use is not recommended.


Returns the operational licensing mode that SmarterMail is running under. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns EditionResult

EditionStringThe licensed edition of SmarterMail. Possible values are:
  • ENT
  • FREE
  • LITE
  • PRO
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Returns information about a particular outgoing gateway. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
guidStringUnique identifier for the gateway.

Returns GatewayResult

enabledBooleanTrue if the gateway is enabled.
gatewayAddressStringIP Address of the gateway.
guidStringUnique identifier of the gateway.
isSmarterMailServerBooleanTrue if the gateway is a SmarterMail server.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
smPasswordStringPassword for the gateway (if isSmarterMailServer is true).
smUrlStringURL to the SmarterMail web interface of the gateway (if isSmarterMailServer is true).
smUserNameStringUsername for the gateway (if isSmarterMailServer is true).


Returns a list of all current globally trusted senders. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns TrustedSenderListResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
TrustedSendersString[]A list of email addresses or domains.


Returns the current harvesting detection rules on the server. View the full specification

OBSOLETE: GetAbuseDetectionRules should be used instead. Support of obsolete functions will be discontinued in future versions, so continued use is not recommended.


Retrieves information about a specific incoming gateway. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
guidStringThe unique ID that identifies the gateway.

Returns IncomingGatewayResult

gatewayIncomingGatewayAttributesDetails about the incoming gateway, as defined in the IncomingGatewayAttributes class.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
authSmarterMailPasswordStringPassword of the administrator (if smarterMailMode is true).
authSmarterMailUserNameStringUsername of the administrator (if smarterMailMode is true).
domainsToForwardString[]A list of domain names that should be forwarded.
domainVerifyTypeStringType of domain verification. Possible values are:
  • AllButSpecifiedDomains
  • SpecifiedDomains
  • WebService
enableSpamActionsBooleanTrue to enable spam check actions.
gatewayModeStringThe mode that the gateway is operating. Possible values are:
  • BackupMX
  • DomainForward
guidStringThe unique identifier of the incoming gateway.
IPAddressStringIP Address of the gateway.
IPEndRangeStringEnd of the IP Address range of the gateway.
IPStartRangeStringStart of the IP Address range of the gateway.
notSpamActionStringAction to take on Not Spam. Possible values are:
  • Delete
  • Header
  • None
  • PassScore
  • Reroute
  • Subject
notSpamArgsStringArguments to use for the action.
smarterMailModeBooleanTrue if the gateway is a SmarterMail server.
smarterMailURLStringURL to the SmarterMail web interface (if smarterMailMode is true).
spamHighActionStringAction to take on Spam-High. Possible values are:
  • Delete
  • Header
  • None
  • PassScore
  • Reroute
  • Subject
spamHighArgsStringArguments to use for the action.
spamLowActionStringAction to take on Spam-Low. Possible values are:
  • Delete
  • Header
  • None
  • PassScore
  • Reroute
  • Subject
spamLowArgsStringArguments to use for the action.
spamMedActionStringAction to take on Spam-Med. Possible values are:
  • Delete
  • Header
  • None
  • PassScore
  • Reroute
  • Subject
spamMedArgsStringArguments to use for the action.
userVerifyTypeStringThe type of user verification done by the gateway. Possible values are:
  • None
  • SMTP
  • WebService
webserviceURLStringThe URL of the web service.


Returns the current internal spamer detection rules on the server. View the full specification

OBSOLETE: GetAbuseDetectionRules should be used instead. Support of obsolete functions will be discontinued in future versions, so continued use is not recommended.


Retrieves the value of the requested system settings. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
reqSettingsString[]A list of settings to return. Possible values are:
  • ActiveSyncLogLevel - (Exceptions Only|Normal|Detailed)
  • AdministrativeLogLevel (None|Normal|Detailed)
  • AdminUsername - System admin username
  • AllowRelay - Can be one of: noone, localusers, localhosts, anyone
  • Archive - Archive path for messages
  • ArchiveAllIncomingMessages - True to enable
  • ArchiveAllOutgoingMessages - True to enable
  • AttemptsBeforeBouncingDueToDnsErrors - After X failed attempts, bounce message
  • DeleteDomainStatsAfter - Delete after X months
  • DeleteDomainStatsAfterEnabled - True to enable
  • DeleteLogFilesAfter - Delete after X days
  • DeleteLogFilesAfterEnabled - True to enable
  • DeleteServerStatsAfter - Delete after X months
  • DeleteServerStatsAfterEnabled - True to enable
  • DeleteUserStatsAfter - Delete after X months
  • DeleteUserStatsAfterEnabled - True to enable
  • DeliverPostmasterToDomainOnly - Send to global postmaster address only if not delivered to a domain postmaster account
  • DeliveryDelay - Milliseconds to wait before message delivery
  • DeliveryLogLevel - (Exceptions Only|Normal|Detailed)
  • DeliveryThreads - Number of outbound threads
  • DisableAppendingOfReceivedLineForAuthenticatedMessages - True to not append 'received' header on authenticated SMTP sessions
  • DisableAuthLogin - Disables the SMTP AUTH LOGIN command
  • DisableReceivedAppend - True to not append 'received' header on authenticated SMTP sessions
  • DnsCachingEnabled - True to enable in-process DNS caching
  • DomainsCanOverrideAutoCleanSettings - True to allow domains to override auto-clean rules
  • EnforceSmtpAuthLocalDelivery - Require SMTP authentication for local deliveries
  • EventLogLevel - (Exceptions Only|Normal|Detailed)
  • EWSLogLevel - (None|Normal|Detailed)
  • ExecuteCommandLine - Command line to execute on every spool message
  • ExecuteCommandLineEnabled - True to enable
  • ExecuteCommandLineTimeout - Abort command line after X seconds
  • FileStorageMaxFileSize - The maximum file size allowed to be stored in file storage
  • FileStorageMaxFileSizeEnabled - True to enable size limit
  • FooterAllowDomainOverride - Allows the domain to override footers
  • FooterAppliesToMailingLists - enables the footer to be applied to mailing list messages
  • FooterEnabledForAllOutgoingMessages - enables a footer for all outgoing messages
  • FooterText - Text appended to outgoing messages
  • GreylistIfTheCountryForTheIpAddressIsUnknown - Enables greylisting if the origin country of sender is unknown
  • GreylistingBlockPeriod - period of the initial blocking when greylisted in minutes
  • GreylistingEnabled - Enables greylisting on the server
  • GreylistingEnableUsersToOverride - Allows users to ovveride default greylist settings
  • GreylistingFilterOption - Select who greylisting applies to
  • GreylistingPassPeriod - period in which the sender's mail server has to retry sending the message
  • GreylistingRecordExpiration -The period of time(in days) that the sender will remain immune from greylisting once it has passed
  • Hostname - The hostname of the server
  • ImapBanner - the banner sent to connecting IMAP clients
  • ImapCommandTimeout - If the server receives a command that sends large amounts of data and the data stops coming in for this number of seconds, the command will be aborted
  • ImapIdleEnabled - Enable IMAP Idle
  • IMAPLogLevel - (Exceptions Only|Normal|Detailed)
  • ImapMaxBadCommands - After this many unrecognized or improper commands, a connection will be automatically terminated
  • ImapMaxConnections - Maximum concurrent connections
  • imapRetrievalDownloadPath - Directory for imap retrieval downloads
  • imapRetrievalInterval - The frequency by which SmarterMail checks for new IMAP messages. By default, the IMAP retrieval interval is 10 minutes
  • IMAPRetrievalLogLevel - (Exceptions Only|Normal|Detailed)
  • imapRetrievalThreads - Maximum number of IMAP retrieval threads
  • IndexingItemsBeforeGarbageCollection - number of indexed items before a forced garbage collection occurs
  • IndexingItemsDeletedBeforeOptimizing - number of indexed items deleted before optimizing the index
  • IndexingItemsPerPass - number of items to index for a user before lowering their queue priority
  • IndexingLogLevel - (Exceptions Only|Normal|Detailed)
  • IndexingMaxThreads - maximum number of threads the indexing engine is allowed to use
  • IndexingSecondsInQueueBeforeIndex - number of seconds a user must wait in queue before they are indexed
  • IndexingSegmentsBeforeOptimizing - number of index segment files that are allowed to be created before the index is optimized
  • LdapCommandTimeout - Time in seconds before a LDAP command times out due to inactivity
  • LDAPLogLevel - (Exceptions Only|Normal|Detailed)
  • LdapSessionTimeout - Time in seconds until session is closed due to inactivty
  • LogoutUrl - URL to redirect to on logout
  • LogoutUrlEnabled - Enables URL redirection on logout
  • LogoutUrlOverrideEnabled - allow domains to override logout URL
  • LogPath - the path to which SmarterMail stores log files
  • MailboxImportLogLevel - (Exceptions Only|Normal|Detailed)
  • MaintenanceLogLevel - (None|Normal|Detailed)
  • MessageIDLogLevel - (None|Detailed)
  • MinimumPasswordLength - Minimum number of charactes a password must require
  • MinimumPasswordLengthEnabled - Enforce mimimum password length setting
  • NotifyOfDelayAfterXAttempts - number of failed message delivery attempts before a delay notification message is sent to the message sender
  • OutboundIp - specified ipv4 for outbound connections
  • OutboundIpOption - domains ipv4, primary ipv4, specified ipv4
  • OutboundIpv6 - specified ipv6 for outbound connections
  • OutboundIpv6Option - domains ipv6, primary ipv6, disable, specified ipv6
  • PasswordMustNotMatchUsername - Password must differ from username
  • PasswordRequiresCapitalLetter - password requires at least one capital letter
  • PasswordRequiresLowercaseLetter - password requires at least one lowercase letter
  • PasswordRequiresNumber - Password requires at least one number
  • PasswordRequiresSymbol - password requires at least one symbol such as !, @, #, etc.
  • PasswordRetrievalEnabled - Password retrieval enabled on server
  • PasswordStrengthDisabledForExistingPasswords - disables password strength requirements for users who have passwords already setup
  • PopBanner - the banner sent to connecting POP clients
  • PopCommandTimeout - Command timeout after x seconds
  • PopLogLevel - (Exceptions Only|Normal|Detailed)
  • PopMaxBadCommands - Disconnect if client issues x bad commands
  • PopMaxConnections - Maximum concurrent connections
  • PopRetrievalDownloadPath - Location of temporary POP retrieval files
  • PopRetrievalInterval - Retrieve POP every x minutes
  • PopRetrievalLogLevel - (Exceptions Only|Normal|Detailed)
  • PopRetrievalThreads - Maximum POP retrieval sessions
  • PostmasterMailbox - Postmaster mailbox
  • PreventCommonPasswords - prevent commonly used passwords
  • PrimaryDns - Primary dns server, leave blank for automatic
  • SecondaryDns - Secondary dns server, leave blank for automatic
  • SmtpAuthBypassRelay - Bypass relay settings when authenticated
  • SmtpBanner - the banner sent to connecting SMTP clients
  • SmtpCommandTimeout - enable EXPN command
  • SmtpExpn - Enable EXPN command
  • SMTPLogLevel - (Exceptions Only|Normal|Detailed)
  • SmtpMaxBadCommands - disconnect if client issues x bad commands
  • SmtpMaxBadRecipients - Disconnect if client issues x bad recipients
  • SmtpMaxConnections - Maximum concurrent connections
  • SmtpMaxHopCount - Maximum hop count
  • SmtpMaxMessageSize - Maximum message size in MB
  • SmtpSessionTimeout - Disconnect if session exceeds x minutes
  • SmtpSessionTimeoutEnabled - Enable SMTP session timeouts
  • SmtpVrfy - Enable VRFY command
  • SpamBlockingEnable - Enforce spam block threshold
  • SpamBlockingThreshold - Threshold of spam weight before message is blocked
  • SpamCheckClamEnable - Enable clam on spam checks
  • SpamCheckThreads - Number of maximum spam check threads
  • SpamGreylistEnable - Spam threshold for greylisting enabled
  • SpamGreylistThreshold - Spam threshold for greylisting messages
  • SpamGreylistThresholdEnable - Greylisting spam threshold enabled
  • SpamOutgoingBlockingEnable - Check outgoing messages for spam enabled
  • SpamOutgoingBlockingThreshold - Spam threshold for outgoing messages
  • SpoolPath - Path of the spool
  • SubmissionPort - Port used for submission port
  • SubmissionPortEnabled - Enable submission port
  • SubmissionPortIp - IP used for submission port
  • SubSpools - number of subspools
  • SyncMLLogLevel - (Exceptions Only|Normal|Detailed)
  • TimeBetweenAttempts - comma separated list of retry times
  • UserDefaultAuthType - Default user auth type
  • UserDefaultAutoTrustRecipients - Default mark recipients as trusted senders
  • UserDefaultBlockImages - Enable/disable automatic image loading in preview pane
  • UserDefaultComposeFont - Default user font for email messages
  • UserDefaultComposeFontSize - Default user font size (ex '12px') for email messages
  • UserDefaultComposeMethod - Default user compose method
  • UserDefaultDeleteMailOnForward - Delete messages after autoforwarding
  • UserDefaultDeleteOption - Message delete actions
  • UserDefaultDisableGreylisting - Default greylisting enabled setting for a user
  • UserDefaultEmbedReplies - Default setting for embedding replies for a user
  • UserDefaultEnableDomainkeySigning - Default setting for enabling a user domain key signing
  • UserDefaultEnableImapRetrieval - Default setting for enabling a user for IMAP retrieval
  • UserDefaultEnablePopRetrieval - Default setting for enabling a user for POP retrieval
  • UserDefaultEnableSmtpAccounts - Default setting for enabling a user for SMTP accounts
  • UserDefaultEnableSounds - Enable/disable chat sounds
  • UserDefaultForwardAs - Default forward as setting
  • UserDefaultForwardingAddress - Address to forward to
  • UserDefaultHeaderDisplay - Default header display for a user
  • UserDefaultHideFromLdap - Default setting for hiding user from LDAP
  • UserDefaultLockPassword - Enable/disable password changes
  • UserDefaultMailboxSize - Default mailbox size limit for a user
  • UserDefaultMarkPOP3DownloadsAsRead - Enable/disable marking POP3 downloads as read
  • UserDefaultPlusAddressingEnable - Default user setting for enabling plus addressing
  • UserDefaultPlusAddressingFolder - Default action for plus addressing
  • UserDefaultReplyMessageIndicator - Default text indicator for a reply portion of a message
  • UserDefaultRequestReceipts - Default user setting for read receipt requests
  • UserDefaultSaveCopyAssent - Default setting for handling a user's sent messages
  • UserDefaultSortBy - Default sort by view for a user
  • UserDefaultSortDescending - Enable/disable descending sort order
  • UserDefaultStartupPage - Set the default start page of a user
  • UserDefaultTimeZoneIndex - Time zone index
  • UserDefaultViewMessagesAs - View messages as Html or Text
  • UsersCanAutoCleanInbox - allows users to auto clean their inbox
  • UseTlsIfSupportedByRemoteServer - enables SmarterMail attempt to use TLS for outgoing messages if the remote server supports it
  • WebDAVLogLevel - (Exceptions Only|Normal|Detailed)
  • WelcomeWizardDisabled Enable or disable the welcome wizard

Returns RequestSettingsResult

KeyValuePairsString[]A list of 'key=value' pairs with the requested setting values.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Returns a list of reserved domain names. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns StringArrayResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Returns a list of the currently configured SMTP authentication bypass rules. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns SMTPAuthBypassListResult

EntriesSMTPAuthBypassResult[]A list of SMTP Authentication bypass entries, as defined in the SMTPAuthBypassResult class.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
DescriptionStringA brief description for display purposes.
IPAddressStringIP Address that is bypassed.
IPRangeEndStringEnd of an IP Address range that is bypassed.
IPRangeStartStringStart of an IP Address range that is bypassed.


Returns a list of currently blocked SMTP senders. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns SMTPBlockedSenderListResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
SMTPBlockedSendersSMTPBlockedSenderResult[]A list of blocked senders, as defined in the SMTPBlockedSenderResult class.
BlockedSenderStringEmail address or domain name of a blocked sender.
DescriptionStringA brief description for display purposes.


Returns the number of messages in the spool. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns MessageCountResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
messageCountInt32Number of messages in the spool.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Returns the currently configured whitelist entries. View the full specification

OBSOLETE: GetWhitelistEntries2 should be used instead. Support of obsolete functions will be discontinued in future versions, so continued use is not recommended.


Returns the currently configured whitelist entries. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns WhitelistListResult2

EntriesWhitelistResult2[]A list of whitelists, as defined in the WhitelistResult2 class.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
DescriptionStringA brief description for display purposes.
GreylistingDisabledBooleanTrue if greylisting is disabled.
IMAPWhitelistedBooleanTrue if IMAP whitelisted.
IPAddressStringIP Address that is whitelisted.
IPRangeEndStringEnd of an IP Address range that is whitelisted.
IPRangeStartStringStart of an IP Address range that is whitelisted.
POPWhitelistedBooleanTrue if POP whitelisted.
SMTPWhitelistedBooleanTrue if SMTP whitelisted.
XMPPWhitelistedBooleanTrue if XMPP whitelisted.


Returns a list of all server level auto-clean rules defined in SmarterMail. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns FolderAutoCleanRuleListResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Returns all current forwarding blacklist entries. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns ForwardingBlacklistRuleResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Returns a list of all outgoing gateways for the server. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns GatewayListResult

gatewaysGatewayResult[]A list of gateways, as defined in the GatewayResult class.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
enabledBooleanTrue if the gateway is enabled.
gatewayAddressStringIP Address of the gateway.
guidStringUnique identifier of the gateway.
isSmarterMailServerBooleanTrue if the gateway is a SmarterMail server.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
smPasswordStringPassword for the gateway (if isSmarterMailServer is true).
smUrlStringURL to the SmarterMail web interface of the gateway (if isSmarterMailServer is true).
smUserNameStringUsername for the gateway (if isSmarterMailServer is true).


Returns a list of all currently configured greylisting filters. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns GreylistingFilterListResult

FiltersGreylistingFilterResult[]A list of filter details, as defined in the GreylistingFilterResult class.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
CountryCodeStringIf FilterType is CountryCode, contains the country code.
DescriptionStringA brief description for display purposes.
FilterTypeStringThe type of filter. Possible values are:
  • Country
  • IPAddress
  • IPRange
IPAddressStringIf FilterType is IPAddress, contains the IP Address.
IPRangeEndStringIf FilterType is IPRange, contains the end of the IP Range.
IPRangeStartStringIf FilterType is IPRange, contains the start of the IP Range.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Returns a list of all hostnames configured on the server. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns HostnameListResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Returns a list of all configured incoming gateways. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns IncomingGatewayListResult

incGatewaysIncomingGatewayAttributes[]A list of detals about the incoming gateways, as defined in the IncomingGatewayAttributes class.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
authSmarterMailPasswordStringPassword of the administrator (if smarterMailMode is true).
authSmarterMailUserNameStringUsername of the administrator (if smarterMailMode is true).
domainsToForwardString[]A list of domain names that should be forwarded.
domainVerifyTypeStringType of domain verification. Possible values are:
  • AllButSpecifiedDomains
  • SpecifiedDomains
  • WebService
enableSpamActionsBooleanTrue to enable spam check actions.
gatewayModeStringThe mode that the gateway is operating. Possible values are:
  • BackupMX
  • DomainForward
guidStringThe unique identifier of the incoming gateway.
IPAddressStringIP Address of the gateway.
IPEndRangeStringEnd of the IP Address range of the gateway.
IPStartRangeStringStart of the IP Address range of the gateway.
notSpamActionStringAction to take on Not Spam. Possible values are:
  • Delete
  • Header
  • None
  • PassScore
  • Reroute
  • Subject
notSpamArgsStringArguments to use for the action.
smarterMailModeBooleanTrue if the gateway is a SmarterMail server.
smarterMailURLStringURL to the SmarterMail web interface (if smarterMailMode is true).
spamHighActionStringAction to take on Spam-High. Possible values are:
  • Delete
  • Header
  • None
  • PassScore
  • Reroute
  • Subject
spamHighArgsStringArguments to use for the action.
spamLowActionStringAction to take on Spam-Low. Possible values are:
  • Delete
  • Header
  • None
  • PassScore
  • Reroute
  • Subject
spamLowArgsStringArguments to use for the action.
spamMedActionStringAction to take on Spam-Med. Possible values are:
  • Delete
  • Header
  • None
  • PassScore
  • Reroute
  • Subject
spamMedArgsStringArguments to use for the action.
userVerifyTypeStringThe type of user verification done by the gateway. Possible values are:
  • None
  • SMTP
  • WebService
webserviceURLStringThe URL of the web service.


Returns a list of ports currently bound to a specific IP Address. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
ipAddressStringIP Address to check.

Returns ServerPortListResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
PortsServerPortResult[]A list of ports, as defined in the ServerPortResult class.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
CertificatePathStringOptional The path to the certificate used for SSL and TLS connections.
DescriptionStringA brief description for display purposes.
EncryptionStringOptional Encryption method applied to the port. Possible values are:
  • SSL
  • TLS
IDStringUnique identifier of the item.
NameStringDisplay name for the port.
PortInt32The port number.
ProtocolStringProtocol to which the port applies. Possible values are:
  • IMAP
  • POP
  • SMTP
  • SubmissionPort


Lists all ports currently setup on the server. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns ServerPortListResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
PortsServerPortResult[]A list of ports, as defined in the ServerPortResult class.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
CertificatePathStringOptional The path to the certificate used for SSL and TLS connections.
DescriptionStringA brief description for display purposes.
EncryptionStringOptional Encryption method applied to the port. Possible values are:
  • SSL
  • TLS
IDStringUnique identifier of the item.
NameStringDisplay name for the port.
PortInt32The port number.
ProtocolStringProtocol to which the port applies. Possible values are:
  • IMAP
  • POP
  • SMTP
  • SubmissionPort


Returns a list of all currently configured remote SpamAssassin servers. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns SpamAssassinServerListResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
ServersSpamAssassinServerResult[]A list of server details, as defined in the SpamAssassinServerResult class.
ConsecutiveFailuresInt32The number of consecutive failures for this SpamAssassin server.
EnabledBooleanTrue if the SpamAssassin server is enabled.
IPAddressStringIP Address of the server.
NameStringName of the server.
PortInt32Port that SpamAssassin is listening on.
TotalConnectionsInt32The total number of connections made to this SpamAssassin Server.


Returns the current system administrators on the server. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns SystemAdminListResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Deletes an outgoing gateway from SmarterMail. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
guidStringUnique identifier of the gateway to remove.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Deletes an incoming gateway configuration. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
guidStringThe unique ID that identifies the gateway.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Removes an IP address or IP range restriction from a system administrator login. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
adminUsernameStringUsername of the system administrator.
ipAddressOrRangeStringThe IP address or IP range (format: x.x.x.x-y.y.y.y).

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Removes a port assigned to an IP address. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
portIDStringThe unique identifier of the port.
ipAddressStringIP Address from which the port will be removed.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Removes reserved domain names from the current list of reserved domain names. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Returns information about the current status of the server. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
reqStatsString[]A list of data items to retrieve. Possible values are:
  • imap_isrunning
  • imap_threadcount
  • pop_isrunning
  • pop_threadcount
  • server_uptime
  • smtp_isrunning
  • smtp_threadcount
  • spool_isrunning
  • spool_messagecount
  • spool_threadcount

Returns RequestStatusResult

KeyValuePairsString[]A list of 'key=value' pairs with the requested status values.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Adds a new blacklist entry or edits an existing blacklist entry. Pass either an IP address or a range, not both. To remove an entry set all protocols to false. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
ipAddressStringIP address to be blacklisted.
ipRangeStartStringStart of the IP range to be blacklisted.
ipRangeEndStringEnd of the IP range to be blacklisted.
blacklistSMTPBooleanTrue to blacklist SMTP.
blacklistPOPBooleanTrue to blacklist POP.
blacklistIMAPBooleanTrue to blacklist IMAP.
blacklistXMPPBooleanTrue to blacklist XMPP.
descriptionStringA brief description for display purposes.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Sets the value of the requested system settings. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
newSettingsString[]A list of 'key=value' pairs that define what settings to change. Possible key names can be found in the GetRequestedSystemSettings function.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Sets the list of reserved domain names. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Sets the password of a system administrator. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
systemAdminUsernameStringUsername of the system administrator to update.
newPasswordStringNew password to use.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Adds a new whitelist entry or edits an existing whitelist entry. Pass either an IP address or a range, not both. To remove an entry set all protocols to false. View the full specification

OBSOLETE: SetWhitelistEntry2 should be used instead. Support of obsolete functions will be discontinued in future versions, so continued use is not recommended.


Adds a new whitelist entry or edits an existing whitelist entry. Pass either an IP address or a range, not both. To remove an entry set all protocols to false. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
ipAddressStringIP address to be whitelisted.
ipRangeStartStringStart of the IP range to be whitelisted.
ipRangeEndStringEnd of the IP range to be whitelisted.
whitelistSMTPBooleanTrue to whitelist SMTP.
whitelistPOPBooleanTrue to whitelist POP.
whitelistIMAPBooleanTrue to whitelist IMAP.
whitelistXMPPBooleanTrue to whitelist XMPP.
disableGreylistingBooleanTrue to disable greylisting.
descriptionStringA brief description for display purposes.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Starts the specified services in SmarterMail. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
ServicesToStartString[]A list of services to start. Possible values are:
  • all
  • imap
  • imapretrieval
  • indexing
  • ldap
  • pop
  • popretrieval
  • smtp
  • spool
  • xmpp

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Stops the specified services in SmarterMail. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
ServicesToStopString[]A list of services to stop. Possible values are:
  • all
  • imap
  • imapretrieval
  • indexing
  • ldap
  • pop
  • popretrieval
  • smtp
  • spool
  • xmpp

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Updates an abuse detection rule. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
authUsernameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
authPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
idStringThe unique identifier of the abuse detection rule.
actionStringThe action to take when rule is triggered (used by internal spammer and bounces only). Possible values are:
timeFrameInt32The timeframe in minutes in which the rule can be triggered.
occurencesBeforeTriggerInt32The number of occurrences before the rule is triggered.
timeToBlockInt32The period in minutes for which the server will block the offender.
emailAddressToNotifyStringThe email address to notify when the rule is triggered (used by internal spammer and bounces only).
descriptionStringA brief description of the rule for display purposes.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Updates the settings for a specific outgoing gateway. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
guidStringUnique identifier of the gateway.
addressStringThe IP Address of the gateway.
enabledBooleanTrue if the gateway should be enabled.
isSmarterMailServerBooleanTrue if the gateway is running SmarterMail.
smUrlStringOptional Url to the SmarterMail Web interface (if isSmarterMailServer is true).
smUserNameStringOptional Administrator username for the gateway (if isSmarterMailServer is true).
smPasswordStringOptional Administrator password for the gateway (if isSmarterMailServer is true).

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Updates properties about a specific incoming gateway. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
guidStringThe unique ID that identifies the gateway.
updatedIncomingGatewayIncomingGatewayAttributesNew attributes for the gateway.
authSmarterMailPasswordStringPassword of the administrator (if smarterMailMode is true).
authSmarterMailUserNameStringUsername of the administrator (if smarterMailMode is true).
domainsToForwardString[]A list of domain names that should be forwarded.
domainVerifyTypeStringType of domain verification. Possible values are:
  • AllButSpecifiedDomains
  • SpecifiedDomains
  • WebService
enableSpamActionsBooleanTrue to enable spam check actions.
gatewayModeStringThe mode that the gateway is operating. Possible values are:
  • BackupMX
  • DomainForward
guidStringThe unique identifier of the incoming gateway.
IPAddressStringIP Address of the gateway.
IPEndRangeStringEnd of the IP Address range of the gateway.
IPStartRangeStringStart of the IP Address range of the gateway.
notSpamActionStringAction to take on Not Spam. Possible values are:
  • Delete
  • Header
  • None
  • PassScore
  • Reroute
  • Subject
notSpamArgsStringArguments to use for the action.
smarterMailModeBooleanTrue if the gateway is a SmarterMail server.
smarterMailURLStringURL to the SmarterMail web interface (if smarterMailMode is true).
spamHighActionStringAction to take on Spam-High. Possible values are:
  • Delete
  • Header
  • None
  • PassScore
  • Reroute
  • Subject
spamHighArgsStringArguments to use for the action.
spamLowActionStringAction to take on Spam-Low. Possible values are:
  • Delete
  • Header
  • None
  • PassScore
  • Reroute
  • Subject
spamLowArgsStringArguments to use for the action.
spamMedActionStringAction to take on Spam-Med. Possible values are:
  • Delete
  • Header
  • None
  • PassScore
  • Reroute
  • Subject
spamMedArgsStringArguments to use for the action.
userVerifyTypeStringThe type of user verification done by the gateway. Possible values are:
  • None
  • SMTP
  • WebService
webserviceURLStringThe URL of the web service.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.

This web service contains functions that modify spam settings.

WSDL Definition

AddRBLAdds an RBL check.
EditRBLEdits properties of an RBL check.
GetCommtouchSettingsReturns settings for Commtouch.
GetDecludeSettingsReturns settings for Declude integration.
GetDKIMSettingsReturns settings for DKIM.
GetDomainKeysSettingsReturns settings for DomainKeys.
GetMessageSnifferSettingsReturns settings for MessageSniffer.
GetRBLReturns details about an RBL check.
GetRemoteSASettingsReturns settings for Remote SpamAssassin.
GetReverseDNSSettingsReturns settings for Reverse DNS.
GetSABPMSettingsReturns settings for SpamAssassin-based Pattern Matching.
GetSpamFilteringSettingsGet spam filtering options within Antispam administration.
GetSPFSettingsReturns settings for SPF.
ListRBLsLists information about all RBL checks.
ListSpamChecksLists information about all known spam checks, similar to the Antispam Administration page.
RemoveRBLRemoves an RBL check.
SetAntispamOptionsConfigure options for Antispam Administration.
SetCommtouchSettingsConfigures settings for Commtouch.
SetDecludeSettingsConfigures settings for Declude integration.
SetDKIMSettingsConfigures settings for DKIM.
SetDomainKeysSettingsConfigures settings for DomainKeys.
SetMessageSnifferSettingsConfigures settings for MessageSniffer.
SetRemoteSASettingsConfigures settings for Remote SpamAssassin.
SetReverseDNSSettingsConfigures settings for Reverse DNS.
SetSABPMSettingsConfigures settings for SpamAssassin-based Pattern Matching.
SetSpamFilteringSettingsSet spam filtering options within Antispam administration.
SetSpamWizardLevelSets the spam checks and weights to predefined wizard levels.
SetSPFSettingsConfigures settings for SPF.


Adds an RBL check. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
rblSettingRBLSettingNew settings to apply, as defined in the RBLSetting class.
DescriptionStringA short description for display purposes.
EnabledFilteringBooleanTrue to enable filtering.
EnabledIncomingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable incoming SMTP blocking.
EnabledOutgoingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable outgoing SMTP blocking.
HostnameStringThe hostname of the RBL.
IsURIBLBooleanTrue if the RBL supports URIBL.
NameStringThe name of the RBL list.
RequiredIPStringRequired IP.
RequiredIPEnabledBooleanTrue if RequiredIP is enabled.
UseBitmapCheckingBooleanTrue to use bitmap checking.
WeightInt32Weight when item is in RBL list.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Edits properties of an RBL check. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
NameOfRblToEditStringName of the RBL check.
rblSettingRBLSettingNew settings to apply, as defined in the RBLSetting class.
DescriptionStringA short description for display purposes.
EnabledFilteringBooleanTrue to enable filtering.
EnabledIncomingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable incoming SMTP blocking.
EnabledOutgoingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable outgoing SMTP blocking.
HostnameStringThe hostname of the RBL.
IsURIBLBooleanTrue if the RBL supports URIBL.
NameStringThe name of the RBL list.
RequiredIPStringRequired IP.
RequiredIPEnabledBooleanTrue if RequiredIP is enabled.
UseBitmapCheckingBooleanTrue to use bitmap checking.
WeightInt32Weight when item is in RBL list.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Returns settings for Commtouch. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns GetCommtouchSettingsResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
settingsCommtouchSettingsItem details, as defined in the CommtouchSettings class.
BulkWeightInt32Weight for bulk mail.
ConfirmedWeightInt32Weight for confirmed spam.
EnabledFilteringBooleanTrue to enable filtering.
EnabledIncomingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable incoming SMTP blocking.
EnabledOutgoingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable outgoing SMTP blocking.
NoneWeightInt32Weight for none.
SuspectWeightInt32Weight for suspected spam.
UnknownWeightInt32Weight for unknown.


Returns settings for Declude integration. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns GetDecludeSettingsResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
settingsDecludeSettingsItem details, as defined in the DecludeSettings class.
EnabledFilteringBooleanTrue to enable filtering.
EnabledIncomingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable incoming SMTP blocking.
EnabledOutgoingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable outgoing SMTP blocking.
HighSpamWeightInt32Weight for High.
LowSpamWeightInt32Weight for Low.
MedSpamWeightInt32Weight for Medium.


Returns settings for DKIM. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns GetDomainKeysSettingsResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
settingsDomainKeysSettingsItem details, as defined in the DomainKeysSettings class.
EnabledFilteringBooleanTrue to enable filtering.
EnabledIncomingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable incoming SMTP blocking.
EnabledOutgoingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable outgoing SMTP blocking.
FailWeightInt32Weight for Fail.
MaxKeySizeDKKeySizeThe maximum key size.
MaxMessageSizeToSignMBInt32Maximum message size (in MB) that will be signed.
MaxMessageSizeToVerifyMBInt32Maximum message size (in MB) that will be verified.
NoneWeightInt32Weight for None.
PassWeightInt32Weight for Pass.
DKKeySize Enum


Returns settings for DomainKeys. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns GetDomainKeysSettingsResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
settingsDomainKeysSettingsItem details, as defined in the DomainKeysSettings class.
EnabledFilteringBooleanTrue to enable filtering.
EnabledIncomingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable incoming SMTP blocking.
EnabledOutgoingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable outgoing SMTP blocking.
FailWeightInt32Weight for Fail.
MaxKeySizeDKKeySizeThe maximum key size.
MaxMessageSizeToSignMBInt32Maximum message size (in MB) that will be signed.
MaxMessageSizeToVerifyMBInt32Maximum message size (in MB) that will be verified.
NoneWeightInt32Weight for None.
PassWeightInt32Weight for Pass.
DKKeySize Enum


Returns settings for MessageSniffer. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns GetMessageSnifferSettingsResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
settingsMessageSnifferSettingsItem details, as defined in the MessageSnifferSettings class.
ConfirmedWeightInt32Weight for confirmed spam.
EnabledFilteringBooleanTrue to enable filtering.
EnabledIncomingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable incoming SMTP blocking.
EnabledOutgoingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable outgoing SMTP blocking.
NoneWeightInt32Weight for none.


Returns details about an RBL check. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
nameStringName of the RBL check.

Returns GetRBLResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
settingsRBLSettingItem details, as defined in the RBLSetting class.
DescriptionStringA short description for display purposes.
EnabledFilteringBooleanTrue to enable filtering.
EnabledIncomingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable incoming SMTP blocking.
EnabledOutgoingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable outgoing SMTP blocking.
HostnameStringThe hostname of the RBL.
IsURIBLBooleanTrue if the RBL supports URIBL.
NameStringThe name of the RBL list.
RequiredIPStringRequired IP.
RequiredIPEnabledBooleanTrue if RequiredIP is enabled.
UseBitmapCheckingBooleanTrue to use bitmap checking.
WeightInt32Weight when item is in RBL list.


Returns settings for Remote SpamAssassin. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns GetRemoteSASettingsResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
settingsRemoteSASettingsItem details, as defined in the RemoteSASettings class.
ClientTimeoutSecondsInt32Number of seconds to wait before check is considered timeout.
DisableTimeMinutesInt32The number of minutes to disable a remote SpamAssassin server if it is disabled automatically.
EnabledFilteringBooleanTrue to enable filtering.
EnabledIncomingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable incoming SMTP blocking.
EnabledOutgoingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable outgoing SMTP blocking.
FailuresBeforeDisableInt32Number of failures before a remote SpamAssassin server is disabled automatically.
HighSpamWeightInt32Weight for High.
LogLevelSAHeaderLogLevelThe logging level.
LowSpamWeightInt32Weight for Low.
MaxAttemptsPerMessageInt32Maximum number of checks to make before skipping this check for a message.
MedSpamWeightInt32Weight for Medium.
SAHeaderLogLevel Enum


Returns settings for Reverse DNS. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns GetReverseDNSSettingsResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
settingsReverseDNSSettingsItem details, as defined in the ReverseDNSSettings class.
EnabledFilteringBooleanTrue to enable filtering.
EnabledIncomingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable incoming SMTP blocking.
EnabledOutgoingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable outgoing SMTP blocking.
WeightInt32Weight for reverse DNS failure.


Returns settings for SpamAssassin-based Pattern Matching. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns GetSABPMSettingsResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
settingsSABPMSettingsItem details, as defined in the SABPMSettings class.
EnabledFilteringBooleanTrue to enable filtering.
EnabledIncomingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable incoming SMTP blocking.
EnabledOutgoingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable outgoing SMTP blocking.
HighSpamWeightInt32Weight for High.
LogLevelSAHeaderLogLevelThe logging level.
LowSpamWeightInt32Weight for Low.
MedSpamWeightInt32Weight for Medium.
SAHeaderLogLevel Enum


Get spam filtering options within Antispam administration. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns AntispamFilteringSettingsResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
settingsAntispamFilteringSettingsItem details, as defined in the AntispamFilterSettings class.
HighSpamActionSpamActionHigh spam action.
HighSpamPrefixStringOPTIONAL: High spam prefix text.
HighWeightThresholdInt32High spam weight threshold.
LowSpamActionSpamActionLow spam action.
LowSpamPrefixStringOPTIONAL: low spam prefix text.
LowWeightThresholdInt32Low spam weight threshold.
MediumSpamActionSpamActionMedium spam action.
MediumSpamPrefixStringOPTIONAL: Medium spam prefix text.
MediumWeightThresholdInt32Medium spam weight threshold.
SpamAction Enum


Returns settings for SPF. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns GetSPFSettingsResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
settingsSPFSettingsItem details, as defined in the SPFSettings class.
EnabledFilteringBooleanTrue to enable filtering.
EnabledIncomingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable incoming SMTP blocking.
EnabledOutgoingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable outgoing SMTP blocking.
FailWeightInt32Weight for SPF Fail.
NeutralWeightInt32Weight for SPF Neutral.
NoneWeightInt32Weight for SPF None.
PassWeightInt32Weight for SPF Pass.
PermErrorWeightInt32Weight for SPF Perm Error.
SoftFailWeightInt32Weight for SPF Soft Fail.


Lists information about all RBL checks. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns ListRBLsResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
rblsRBLSetting[]A list of item details, as defined in the RBLSetting class.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
DescriptionStringA short description for display purposes.
EnabledFilteringBooleanTrue to enable filtering.
EnabledIncomingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable incoming SMTP blocking.
EnabledOutgoingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable outgoing SMTP blocking.
HostnameStringThe hostname of the RBL.
IsURIBLBooleanTrue if the RBL supports URIBL.
NameStringThe name of the RBL list.
RequiredIPStringRequired IP.
RequiredIPEnabledBooleanTrue if RequiredIP is enabled.
UseBitmapCheckingBooleanTrue to use bitmap checking.
WeightInt32Weight when item is in RBL list.


Lists information about all known spam checks, similar to the Antispam Administration page. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns ListSpamChecksResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
spamChecksSpamCheckInfo[]A list of item details, as defined in the SpamCheckInfo class.
EnabledFilteringBooleanTrue to enable filtering.
EnabledIncomingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable incoming SMTP blocking.
EnabledOutgoingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable outgoing SMTP blocking.
MaxWeightInt32Maximum weight value.
MinWeightInt32Minimum weight value.
NameStringThe display name of the spam check.
UIDStringUnique identifier of the spam check.


Removes an RBL check. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
NameOfRblToRemoveStringName of the RBL check.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Configure options for Antispam Administration. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
optionsSettingsAntispamOptionsSettingsNew settings to apply, as defined in the AntispamOptionsSettings class.
AutoRespondersLevelAutoResponseRestrictionLevelAuto-reponders level.
CatchallToSendBouncesBooleanTrue to enable catch-all accounts to send auto-responders and bounce messages.
ContentFilterBounceLevelContentFilterBounceRestrictionLevelContent Filter Bouncing level.
DisableFitleringOnWhitelistedIpBooleanTrue to disable spam filtering on SMTP whitlisted IP addresses.
EnableBouncesForOutgoingSmtpBlockingBooleanTrue to enable bounces for SMTP blocking.
EnableDmarcBooleanTrue to enable DMARC policy compliance check.
EnableSpoolProcFolderBooleanTrue to enable spool proc folder.
EnableSrsBooleanTrue to enable SRS when forwarding messages.
MaxMessageScanSizeInt32Max message size in KB to content scan.
OverrideFilterActionsBooleanTrue to enable domains to override filter weights and actions.
AutoResponseRestrictionLevel Enum
ContentFilterBounceRestrictionLevel Enum

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Configures settings for Commtouch. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
commtouchSettingsCommtouchSettingsNew settings to apply, as defined in the CommtouchSettings class.
BulkWeightInt32Weight for bulk mail.
ConfirmedWeightInt32Weight for confirmed spam.
EnabledFilteringBooleanTrue to enable filtering.
EnabledIncomingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable incoming SMTP blocking.
EnabledOutgoingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable outgoing SMTP blocking.
NoneWeightInt32Weight for none.
SuspectWeightInt32Weight for suspected spam.
UnknownWeightInt32Weight for unknown.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Configures settings for Declude integration. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
decludeSettingsDecludeSettingsNew settings to apply, as defined in the DecludeSettings class.
EnabledFilteringBooleanTrue to enable filtering.
EnabledIncomingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable incoming SMTP blocking.
EnabledOutgoingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable outgoing SMTP blocking.
HighSpamWeightInt32Weight for High.
LowSpamWeightInt32Weight for Low.
MedSpamWeightInt32Weight for Medium.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Configures settings for DKIM. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
dkSettingsDomainKeysSettingsNew settings to apply, as defined in the DomainKeysSettings class.
EnabledFilteringBooleanTrue to enable filtering.
EnabledIncomingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable incoming SMTP blocking.
EnabledOutgoingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable outgoing SMTP blocking.
FailWeightInt32Weight for Fail.
MaxKeySizeDKKeySizeThe maximum key size.
MaxMessageSizeToSignMBInt32Maximum message size (in MB) that will be signed.
MaxMessageSizeToVerifyMBInt32Maximum message size (in MB) that will be verified.
NoneWeightInt32Weight for None.
PassWeightInt32Weight for Pass.
DKKeySize Enum

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Configures settings for DomainKeys. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
dkSettingsDomainKeysSettingsNew settings to apply, as defined in the DomainKeysSettings class.
EnabledFilteringBooleanTrue to enable filtering.
EnabledIncomingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable incoming SMTP blocking.
EnabledOutgoingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable outgoing SMTP blocking.
FailWeightInt32Weight for Fail.
MaxKeySizeDKKeySizeThe maximum key size.
MaxMessageSizeToSignMBInt32Maximum message size (in MB) that will be signed.
MaxMessageSizeToVerifyMBInt32Maximum message size (in MB) that will be verified.
NoneWeightInt32Weight for None.
PassWeightInt32Weight for Pass.
DKKeySize Enum

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Configures settings for MessageSniffer. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
MessageSnifferSettingsMessageSnifferSettingsNew settings to apply, as defined in the MessageSnifferSettings class.
ConfirmedWeightInt32Weight for confirmed spam.
EnabledFilteringBooleanTrue to enable filtering.
EnabledIncomingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable incoming SMTP blocking.
EnabledOutgoingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable outgoing SMTP blocking.
NoneWeightInt32Weight for none.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Configures settings for Remote SpamAssassin. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
remoteSASettingsRemoteSASettingsNew settings to apply, as defined in the RemoteSASettings class.
ClientTimeoutSecondsInt32Number of seconds to wait before check is considered timeout.
DisableTimeMinutesInt32The number of minutes to disable a remote SpamAssassin server if it is disabled automatically.
EnabledFilteringBooleanTrue to enable filtering.
EnabledIncomingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable incoming SMTP blocking.
EnabledOutgoingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable outgoing SMTP blocking.
FailuresBeforeDisableInt32Number of failures before a remote SpamAssassin server is disabled automatically.
HighSpamWeightInt32Weight for High.
LogLevelSAHeaderLogLevelThe logging level.
LowSpamWeightInt32Weight for Low.
MaxAttemptsPerMessageInt32Maximum number of checks to make before skipping this check for a message.
MedSpamWeightInt32Weight for Medium.
SAHeaderLogLevel Enum

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Configures settings for Reverse DNS. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
rdnsSettingsReverseDNSSettingsNew settings to apply, as defined in the ReverseDNSSettings class.
EnabledFilteringBooleanTrue to enable filtering.
EnabledIncomingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable incoming SMTP blocking.
EnabledOutgoingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable outgoing SMTP blocking.
WeightInt32Weight for reverse DNS failure.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Configures settings for SpamAssassin-based Pattern Matching. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
sabpmSettingsSABPMSettingsNew settings to apply, as defined in the SABPMSettings class.
EnabledFilteringBooleanTrue to enable filtering.
EnabledIncomingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable incoming SMTP blocking.
EnabledOutgoingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable outgoing SMTP blocking.
HighSpamWeightInt32Weight for High.
LogLevelSAHeaderLogLevelThe logging level.
LowSpamWeightInt32Weight for Low.
MedSpamWeightInt32Weight for Medium.
SAHeaderLogLevel Enum

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Set spam filtering options within Antispam administration. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
filterSettingsAntispamFilteringSettingsnew settings to apply, as defined in the AntispamFilteringSettings class.
HighSpamActionSpamActionHigh spam action.
HighSpamPrefixStringOPTIONAL: High spam prefix text.
HighWeightThresholdInt32High spam weight threshold.
LowSpamActionSpamActionLow spam action.
LowSpamPrefixStringOPTIONAL: low spam prefix text.
LowWeightThresholdInt32Low spam weight threshold.
MediumSpamActionSpamActionMedium spam action.
MediumSpamPrefixStringOPTIONAL: Medium spam prefix text.
MediumWeightThresholdInt32Medium spam weight threshold.
SpamAction Enum

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Sets the spam checks and weights to predefined wizard levels. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
levelSpamWizardLevelNew spam wizard preset to apply.
SpamWizardLevel Enum

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Configures settings for SPF. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
spfSettingsSPFSettingsNew settings to apply, as defined in the SPFSettings class.
EnabledFilteringBooleanTrue to enable filtering.
EnabledIncomingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable incoming SMTP blocking.
EnabledOutgoingBlockingBooleanTrue to enable outgoing SMTP blocking.
FailWeightInt32Weight for SPF Fail.
NeutralWeightInt32Weight for SPF Neutral.
NoneWeightInt32Weight for SPF None.
PassWeightInt32Weight for SPF Pass.
PermErrorWeightInt32Weight for SPF Perm Error.
SoftFailWeightInt32Weight for SPF Soft Fail.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.

This web service contains functions that add, modify, and delete users.

WSDL Definition

AddRSSFeedAdd an RSS feed to the specified email address.
AddUser2Creates a new user and adds them to the specified domain.
AddUserGroupCreates a new user group and adds it to the specified domain.
AuthenticateUserReturns a true ResultCode if the user name, domain name, and password match.
DeleteRSSFeedDeletes an RSS feed from the specified email address.
DeleteUserDeletes the specified user from the specified domain.
GetActiveSyncUsersReturns all users in a domain that have Exchange ActiveSync enabled.
GetActiveSyncUsers2Returns all domain-enabled Exchange ActiveSync users with device information.
GetInactiveUsersReturns inactive users since the specified date.
GetLastLoginTimesGets last login time.
GetMigrationStatusReturns the status of all migration requests.
GetRequestedUserSettingsGets the specified user's settings.
GetUserReturns attributes of the specified user.
GetUserAutoResponseInfoReturns the autoresponder info of the specified user.
GetUserAutoResponseInfo2Returns the autoresponder info of the specified user.
GetUserForwardingInfo2Returns the forwarding info of the specified user.
GetUserGroupGets a user group in the specified domain with the given id.
GetUserGroupsByDomainGet all user groups in the specified domain.
GetUserGroupsByUserGet all user groups in the specified domain containing the give user.
GetUserQuotasReturns Current and Max disk space for each user of a domain.
GetUsersReturns attributes of each user in the specified domain.
GetUserStatsReturns statistics of the specified user for the specified time period.
IsUserEnabledForActiveSyncChecks whether ActiveSync is enabled for the specified user.
ListRSSFeedsLists all RSS feeds for the specified email address.
LoginValidatedReturns a LoginResult object with the LoginValidated field set to True if the specified username matches the specified password.
QueueMailBoxMigrationAdds a request item to be migrated to a specified mailbox. Note: Migrating gmail calendar and contacts can not be queued due to the type of authentication Google requires for accessing them.
RemoveFromMigrationQueueRemoves an item by ID from the pending migration queue.
RemoveUserGroupDeletes a user group from the specified domain with the given id.
SetRequestedUserSettingsUpdates the specified user's settings.
ToggleActiveSyncEnables or disables ActiveSync for the specified user. Note that domain-level limits are NOT enforced by this web service, and it is up to you to make the call to GetActiveSyncUsers or maintain internal tracking systems before toggling accounts in order to enforce limits.
UpdateUser2Updates the specified user's settings.
UpdateUserAutoResponseInfoUpdates the specified user's auto response settings.
UpdateUserAutoResponseInfo2Updates the specified user's auto response settings.
UpdateUserForwardingInfo2Updates the specified user's forwarding settings (Multiple addresses).
UpdateUserGroupUpdates a user group in the specified domain with the given id.


Add an RSS feed to the specified email address. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
EmailAddressStringFull email address of the user.
rssUrlStringURL of the RSS feed.
rssNameStringDisplay name of the RSS feed.
rssFolderStringFolder name.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


View the full specification

OBSOLETE: AddUser2 should be used instead. Support of obsolete functions will be discontinued in future versions, so continued use is not recommended.


Creates a new user and adds them to the specified domain. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
NewUsernameStringUsername for the user. Should not be a full email address.
NewPasswordStringPassword for the user.
DomainNameStringDomain to add the user.
FirstNameStringFirst name of the user.
LastNameStringLast name of the user.
IsDomainAdminBooleanTrue to make the user an administrator over the domain.
maxMailboxSizeInt32Maximum size for the user mailbox (in MB). 0 should be passed for unlimited.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Creates a new user group and adds it to the specified domain. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringName of the domain.
UserGroupNameStringName of the user group.
UserNamesString[]A list of users on the domain that should belong to the group.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Returns a true ResultCode if the user name, domain name, and password match. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
UserNameStringUsername to authenticate.
DomainNameStringDomain that the user belongs to.
PasswordStringThe password to authenticate.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Deletes an RSS feed from the specified email address. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
EmailAddressStringFull email address of the user.
UIDStringUnique identifier of the RSS Feed.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Deletes the specified user from the specified domain. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
UsernameStringUsername of the user to delete.
DomainNameStringDomain on which the user exists.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Returns all users in a domain that have Exchange ActiveSync enabled. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringName of the domain.

Returns ActiveSyncUsersResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
UserCountInt32Count of ActiveSync users for the domain.
UsernamesString[]All usernames that are activesync users for the domain.


Returns all domain-enabled Exchange ActiveSync users with device information. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringName of the domain.

Returns ActiveSyncUsersInfoResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
UserCountInt32Count of ActiveSync users for the domain.
UsersActiveSyncUserInfoResult[]All devices and last sync times per activesync user for the domain.
DevicesActiveSyncDeviceInfoResult[]ActiveSync Device Information (e.g., DeviceId, Name, UserAgent, LastSyncUtc).
UsernameStringActiveSync User for the domain.
DeviceIdStringActiveSync Device Id.
LastSyncUtcDateTimeActiveSync Device Last Sync DateTime UTC.
NameStringActiveSync Device Name.
UserAgentStringActiveSync Device User Agent.


Returns inactive users since the specified date. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
dateDateTimeAll users that have not logged in since this date will be returned.

Returns InactiveUserResult

EmailAddressString[]A list of email addresses in the result set.
LastLoginDateTime[]A list of last login times. Results in this array directly correspond to the results in the EmailAddresses array.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Gets last login time. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
EmailAddressStringFull email address of the user.
DateStartNullable<DateTime>If set, limits the results so that nothing will be returned before this date.
DateEndNullable<DateTime>If set, limits the results so that nothing will be returned after this date.

Returns LastLoginInfoResult

lastLoginsString[]A list of the last login names.
lastUserLoginsUserLoginInfo[]A list of details about the last logins, as defined in the UserLoginInfo class.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
LoginTimeDateTimeLast login time for the user.
UserNameStringUsername for the user.


Returns the status of all migration requests. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns StatusResults[]

emailAddressStringEmail address that is being migrated.
IDGuidUnique identifier of the migration.
statusStringStatus of the migration.


Gets the specified user's settings. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
EmailAddressStringFull email address of the user.
requestedSettingsString[]A list of keys to return settings for. Possible values are:
  • activedirectorydomain
  • activedirectoryusername (This only needs to be set if the ActiveDirectory username is different than SmarterMail account username)
  • authtype (smartermail, microsoftactivedirectory)
  • autocleanoverrideactive (Should user override domain settings)
  • autopopupreminders (Automatically popup reminders window)
  • autorespondondirectmailonly (Ignore emails sent through aliases)
  • autosavedrafttime (Save every x milliseconds)
  • backupemailaddress (The email address to which password resets will be sent)
  • calendarautocleanmonths (The number of months after a calendar entry is inactive such that it will be automatically removed. -2 = Use domain settings, -1 = Never)
  • composemethod (html)
  • composerows (Delete messages after auto forwarding)
  • deleteoption (MoveToDeleteFolder, AutoPurge, MarkDeleted, MarkDeletedAndHide)
  • dictionarylanguag(en-US, etc)
  • disablegreylisting
  • disablereminders
  • displayname (Display name of the user)
  • embedreplies (Attach forwards)
  • enabledstatus (Enabled, Disabled, DisabledWMail)
  • enableimapretrieval (Is IMAP retrieval allowed for this account)
  • enableoutboundmessagesigning (Sign outgoing messages via DomainKeys for this account)
  • enablepopretrieval (Is POP retrieval allowed for this account)
  • enablesmtpaccounts (Are SMTP Accounts allowed for this account)
  • enablesounds (Play sounds in the webmail interface)
  • forwardaddress (Address to forward to)
  • forwardas (attachment, normal, plain)
  • fullname (basic, full)
  • hidefromgal
  • isdomainadmin
  • isenabled
  • lockpassword
  • maxbouncesreceivedperhour
  • maxbouncesreceivedperhourenabled: (Enable/disable max bounces received per hour)
  • maxmessagesperhour
  • maxmessagesperhourenabled: (Enable/disable max messages per hour)
  • maxsize (Max mailbox size in MB)
  • maxsmtpoutbandwidthperhour
  • maxsmtpoutbandwidthperhourenabled: (Enable/disable max smtp bandwidth per hour)
  • password
  • passwordlocked
  • plusaddressingenabled
  • plusaddressingfolder
  • previewautomarkasread (Automatically mark messages as read after 5 seconds)
  • previewautopreview (Automatically preview messages)
  • previewusepreview (Use preview pane)
  • replymessageindicator (Plain text indicator, > by default)
  • replytoaddress
  • requestreceipts (Automatically request read receipts on new messages)
  • savecopyassent (Use Sent Items folder)
  • seenwelcome (Has the user seen the welcome page)
  • servicelevelmap (The enabled services for a user. This field is a bitmap composed of 1=POP, 2=IMAP, 4=INCOMING SMTP, 8=OUTGOING SMTP, 16=WEBMAIL. For example, to set POP and IMAP, the value of 3 would be passed.)
  • showlinkswhenprinting (Show HTML links when printing a page)
  • showsusc (Show the synchronization center popup on login)
  • signature
  • skin
  • sortby (sorting of messages page)
  • sortdescending (sort in reverse order)
  • spamcheckoverrideactive (Should user override spam check settings from domain)
  • spamforwardoption (obsolete)
  • spellcheckonsend (Automatically check spelling prior to sending)
  • startuppage (today, messages)
  • syncpanels (not used)
  • textencoding
  • throttlingactionbandwidth: (Sets Bandwidth Throttling Action)
  • throttlingactionbounces: (Sets Bounces Throttling Action)
  • throttlingactionmessage: (Sets Message Throttling Action)
  • timezoneindex (time zone index)
  • viewmessagesas (html, plain)
  • warnifcomposemistakes (Warn about common email mistakes prior to sending)
  • welcomewizardprogress (progress of welcome page)

Returns SettingsRequestResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
settingValuesString[]A list of setting values, in the form of 'key=value' pairs. Names of all possible settings can be found in the GetRequestedUserSettings function.


Returns attributes of the specified user. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
EmailAddressStringFull email address of the user.

Returns UserInfoResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
UserInfoUserInfoInformation about a user, as defined in the UserInfo class.
FirstNameStringFirst name of the user.
IsDomainAdminBooleanTrue if the user is a domain administrator.
IsSystemAdminBooleanTrue if the user is a system administrator.
LastNameStringLast name of the user.
PasswordStringPassword for the user.
UserNameStringUsername for the user.


Returns the autoresponder info of the specified user. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
EmailAddressStringFull email address of the user.

Returns UserAutoResponseResult

BodyStringBody of auto-responses.
EnabledBooleanTrue if auto-responder is enabled.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
SubjectStringSubject of auto-responses.


Returns the autoresponder info of the specified user. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
EmailAddressStringFull email address of the user.

Returns UserAutoResponseResult

BodyStringBody of auto-responses.
EnabledBooleanTrue if auto-responder is enabled.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
SubjectStringSubject of auto-responses.


View the full specification

OBSOLETE: GetUserForwardingInfo2 should be used instead. Support of obsolete functions will be discontinued in future versions, so continued use is not recommended.


Returns the forwarding info of the specified user. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
EmailAddressStringFull email address of the user.

Returns UserForwardingInfoResult2

DeleteOnForwardBooleanTrue to delete emails when they are forwarded.
ForwardingAddressesString[]A list of email addresses to forward mail to.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Gets a user group in the specified domain with the given id. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringName of the domain.
UserGroupIDStringUnique identifier of the user group.

Returns UserGroupInfoResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
UserGroupUserGroupInfoDetails of the user group, as defined in the UserGroupInfo class.
guidStringUnique identifier for the user group.
nameStringDisplay name for the user group.
userNamesString[]A list of usernames that belong to the group.


Get all user groups in the specified domain. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringName of the domain.

Returns UserGroupsResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
UserGroupsUserGroupInfo[]A list of details about user groups, as defined in the UserGroupInfo class.
guidStringUnique identifier for the user group.
nameStringDisplay name for the user group.
userNamesString[]A list of usernames that belong to the group.


Get all user groups in the specified domain containing the give user. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringName of the domain.
UserNameStringName of user to search for.
IncludeUserNamesBooleanTrue to return other members of the groups.

Returns UserGroupsResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
UserGroupsUserGroupInfo[]A list of details about user groups, as defined in the UserGroupInfo class.
guidStringUnique identifier for the user group.
nameStringDisplay name for the user group.
userNamesString[]A list of usernames that belong to the group.


Returns Current and Max disk space for each user of a domain. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringName of the domain.

Returns QuotaInfoListResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
UsersUserQuota[]A list of quota details, as defined in the UserQuota class.
CurrentSpaceInt64Current disk space used.
MaxSpaceInt64Max disk space allowed.
UserNameStringUsername for this record.


Returns attributes of each user in the specified domain. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringName of the domain.

Returns UserInfoListResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
UsersUserInfo[]A list of user details, as defined in the UserQuota class.
FirstNameStringFirst name of the user.
IsDomainAdminBooleanTrue if the user is a domain administrator.
IsSystemAdminBooleanTrue if the user is a system administrator.
LastNameStringLast name of the user.
PasswordStringPassword for the user.
UserNameStringUsername for the user.


Returns statistics of the specified user for the specified time period. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
EmailAddressStringFull email address of the user.
StartDateTimeStart date of the statistics range to retrieve.
EndDateTimeEnd date of the statistics range to retrieve.

Returns StatInfoResult

BytesReceivedInt64The number of bytes received.
BytesSentInt64The number of bytes sent.
BytesSizeInt64The size on disk.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
MessagesReceivedInt64Number of messages received.
MessagesSentInt64Number of messages sent.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Checks whether ActiveSync is enabled for the specified user. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
EmailAddressStringFull email address of the user.
EnabledBooleanThis parameter is unused.

Returns ActiveSyncEnabledResult

EnabledBooleanTrue if ActiveSync is enabled.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Lists all RSS feeds for the specified email address. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
EmailAddressStringFull email address of the user.

Returns RSSFeedListResult

FoldersString[]A list of folder names.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
RSSFeedsRSSFeed[]A list of details about the feeds, as defined in the RSSFeed class.
folderStringFolder name that the feed belongs to.
nameStringDisplay name for the feed.
uidStringUnique identifier for the feed.
urlStringURL at which the feed is located.


Returns a LoginResult object with the LoginValidated field set to True if the specified username matches the specified password. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
UsernameStringUsername to check.
PasswordStringPassword to check.

Returns LoginResult

LoginValidatedBooleanTrue if the login is valid.
MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Adds a request item to be migrated to a specified mailbox. Note: Migrating gmail calendar and contacts can not be queued due to the type of authentication Google requires for accessing them. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
parametersString[]A list of 'key=value' pairs defining the import parameters. Possible values are:
  • DELETECURRENTMAILBOX - true/false, clear current mailbox before migration process
  • DESTINATION - Email address of destination mailbox on the server.
  • DOMAIN - Exchange 2007 or later target domain
  • IMPORTITEMS - Type of items to import, Possible values... email, contacts, calendar, tasks, notes
  • IMPORTTYPE - Type of import, Possible values... hotmail, yahoo, other, mailenable, imail, mdaemon, icewarp, communigate, kerio, openxchange, zimbra, exchangeother, gmail, exchange2007orlater
  • PASSWORD - Password of source mailbox
  • PORT - Connection port to target server
  • SERVERADDRESS - address of target server
  • USERNAME - Username of source mailbox
  • USESSL -use ssl during the migration, true/false

Returns RequestStatusResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Removes an item by ID from the pending migration queue. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
itemIDGuidUnique identifier of item to remove.

Returns Void


Deletes a user group from the specified domain with the given id. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringName of the domain.
UserGroupIDStringUnique identifier of the user group to delete.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Updates the specified user's settings. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
EmailAddressStringFull email address of the user.
newSettingsString[]A list of 'key=value' pairs of settings to modify. A full list of the keys can be found in the GetRequestedUserSettings function.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Enables or disables ActiveSync for the specified user. Note that domain-level limits are NOT enforced by this web service, and it is up to you to make the call to GetActiveSyncUsers or maintain internal tracking systems before toggling accounts in order to enforce limits. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
EmailAddressStringFull email address of the user.
EnabledBooleanTrue to enable ActiveSync.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


View the full specification

OBSOLETE: UpdateUser2 should be used instead. Support of obsolete functions will be discontinued in future versions, so continued use is not recommended.


Updates the specified user's settings. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
EmailAddressStringFull email address of the user to update.
NewPasswordStringNew password for the user.
NewFirstNameStringNew first name of the user.
NewLastNameStringNew last name of the user.
IsDomainAdminBooleanTrue to make the user an administrator over the domain.
maxMailboxSizeInt32Maximum size for the user mailbox (in MB).

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Updates the specified user's auto response settings. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
EmailAddressStringFull email address of the user to update.
EnabledBooleanTrue to enable the auto-responder.
SubjectStringSubject of the auto-response email.
BodyStringBody of the auto-response email.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Updates the specified user's auto response settings. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
EmailAddressStringFull email address of the user to update.
EnabledBooleanTrue to enable the auto-responder.
SubjectStringSubject of the auto-response email.
BodyStringBody of the auto-response email.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


View the full specification

OBSOLETE: UpdateUserForwardingInfo2 should be used instead. Support of obsolete functions will be discontinued in future versions, so continued use is not recommended.


Updates the specified user's forwarding settings (Multiple addresses). View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
EmailAddressStringFull email address of the user to update.
DeleteOnForwardBooleanTrue to delete emails that are forwarded.
ForwardingAddressesString[]A list of email addresses to forward to.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Updates a user group in the specified domain with the given id. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
DomainNameStringName of the domain.
UserGroupIDStringUnique identifier of the user group to update.
UserGroupNameStringNew name of the user group.
UserNamesString[]New list of users on the domain that should belong to the group.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.

This web service contains functions that modify virus settings.

WSDL Definition

GetAntivirusOptionsGet current settings for the AntiVirus options.
GetClamAvSettingsGet current settings specific to ClamAV.
GetCommandLineAvSettingsGet current settings specific to Command-Line AV.
GetCommtouchZeroHourSettingsSet current settings specific to CommTouch Zero-Hour anti-virus.
GetRealtimeAvSettingsGet current settings specific to Real-time AV.
SetAntivirusOptionsSet current settings for the AntiVirus options.
SetClamAvSettingsSet current settings specific to ClamAV.
SetCommandLineAvSettingsSet current settings specific to Command-line AV.
SetCommtouchZeroHourSettingsSet current settings specific to Command-line AV.
SetRealtimeAvSettingsSet current settings specific to Real-Time AV.


Get current settings for the AntiVirus options. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns GetAntivirusOptionsSettingsResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
settingsAntivirusOptionsSettingsItem details, as defined in the AntivirusOptionsSettings class.
EnableClamAvBooleanTrue to enable ClamAV.
EnableCommandLineAvBooleanTrue to enable command-line AV.
EnableCommTouchAvBooleanTrue to enable CommTouch Zero-Hour Antivirus.
QuarantineLengthInt32Number of days to keep Quaratine items. 0, 15, or 30 days.


Get current settings specific to ClamAV. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns GetClamAvSettingsResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
settingsClamAvSettingsItem details, as defined in the AntivirusOptionsSettings class.
ClamIpAddressStringIP address of Clam AV Sever.
ClamPortInt32Clam AV port.
IsRemoteServerBooleantrue for remote server.
NumOfFailuresInt32Number of failures before disable.
TimeoutInt32Timeout in seconds.


Get current settings specific to Command-Line AV. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns GetCommandLineAvSettingsResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
settingsCommandLineAvSettingsItem details, as defined in the CommandLineAvSettings class.
CommandLineStringCommand Line to be added.


Set current settings specific to CommTouch Zero-Hour anti-virus. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns GetCommtouchZeroHourSettingsResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
SettingsCommtouchZeroHourSettingsItem details, as defined in the CommtouchZeroHourSettings class.
HighResultActionCommtouchAntiVirusActionHigh Result Action.
MediumResultActionCommtouchAntiVirusActionMedium Result Action.
VirusResultActionCommtouchAntiVirusActionVirus Result Action.
CommtouchAntiVirusAction Enum


Get current settings specific to Real-time AV. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.

Returns GetRealtimeAvSettingsResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.
settingsRealtimeAvSettingsItem details, as defined in the RealtimeAvSettings class.
QuarnentineDirectoryStringQuarantine Directory.


Set current settings for the AntiVirus options. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
avSettingsAntivirusOptionsSettingsNew settings to apply, as defined in the AntivirisuOptionsSettings class.
EnableClamAvBooleanTrue to enable ClamAV.
EnableCommandLineAvBooleanTrue to enable command-line AV.
EnableCommTouchAvBooleanTrue to enable CommTouch Zero-Hour Antivirus.
QuarantineLengthInt32Number of days to keep Quaratine items. 0, 15, or 30 days.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Set current settings specific to ClamAV. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
clamSettingsClamAvSettingsSettings to apply, as defined in the ClamAvSettings Class.
ClamIpAddressStringIP address of Clam AV Sever.
ClamPortInt32Clam AV port.
IsRemoteServerBooleantrue for remote server.
NumOfFailuresInt32Number of failures before disable.
TimeoutInt32Timeout in seconds.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Set current settings specific to Command-line AV. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
commandLineSettingsCommandLineAvSettingssettings to apply, as deined in the CommandLineAvSettings class.
CommandLineStringCommand Line to be added.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Set current settings specific to Command-line AV. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
CommtouchSettingsCommtouchZeroHourSettingssettings to apply, as deined in the CommtouchZeroHourSettings class.
HighResultActionCommtouchAntiVirusActionHigh Result Action.
MediumResultActionCommtouchAntiVirusActionMedium Result Action.
VirusResultActionCommtouchAntiVirusActionVirus Result Action.
CommtouchAntiVirusAction Enum

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.


Set current settings specific to Real-Time AV. View the full specification


Input ParametersDescription
AuthUserNameStringUsername with permissions to call this web service.
AuthPasswordStringPassword of the account used in authUserName parameter.
realtimeSettingsRealtimeAvSettingssettings to apply, as defined in the RealtimeAvSettings class.
QuarnentineDirectoryStringQuarantine Directory.

Returns GenericResult

MessageStringA text message explaining the results of the operation, including the reason for any failures.
ResultBooleanReturns true if the function call was successful.
ResultCodeInt32A result code, which differs by function.